I'm in need for a little inspiration today pleaseeee.

ferb55 Posts: 45 Member
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey mfp friends,

I need some inspiration for sure today. Today is one of those days where you just feel like giving in :( I can't see any results in the mirror and I feel like I should be eating differently but i'm still always under my calorie intake everyday and I burn atleast 300 calories in the gym everyday. So guys n girls, please give me some inspirtation maybe you've been in this situation or maybe not. I just need to hear from my fellow mfp friends who seem to be kickin butt at this weight loss thing!


  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    do you know what i do? i read fitness magazines. I know it sounds dumb, but seeing other people's work outs and reading about how someone just ran a marathon sort of gets me motivated. and watching x-weighted and last 10lbs boot camp on slicetv. i don't like biggest loser because to me it's humiliating, but those other two are awesome shows to watch. we all know how you're feeling, exercise and healthy food blows...if you're at a computer, do some googling. try http://www.fitnessmagazine.com/. that's my favorite magazine...in fact this month they were saying that even though you don't want to work out, force yourself to go, and then once you're there force yourself to work your butt off, you'll feel even better than normal and have a bigger sense of accomplishment, so i tried it, and sure enough i broke my record for calories burned. good luck my fellow MFP.
  • AmberBarrios
    AmberBarrios Posts: 394 Member
    You have definatly come to the right place.
    I know exactly how you feel, I felt the same way for weeks, but then I thought to myself "I can either press on and keep at this or I can stop and be even bigger in six months" I chose to push on needless to say and 6 months down now I am almost 40lbs down. I may not see the big difference in the mirror but my clothes surely fit differently, and my husband can see the difference plus the amount of energy I have now is amazing!! who needs any of those energy drinks (which I never have drank anyway) when you can eat healthy exercise and feel like this!!!

    Keep at it chica you will get there!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    Hang in there it will show up, Try not to go below 1200 calories a day , my doctors says it will stop the metabolism expecially if you are working out because the body needs it. I went into a slump for two weeks lost 1 pound but was so good, walked my butt off and still didn't lose, then I watched the sodiuim ate lots of fresh vegetables, fruit and drank water until I though I would explode, on Wednesday my normal day to weigh I dropped two pounds, and today I just feel that I have dropped more, dying to weigh but will not until Wednesday, I think it is the water, drink, drink, drink and don't GIVE UP whatever you do . WE CAN DO THIS!!!! IT WILL NOT GET THE BEST OF US!!! Now have a better day.
  • Hello. I feel you. I am on a no pound loss week myself. Even though you dont see anything or feel anything during your journey into weight loss. Your body is changing. You will see. Dont let a scale take power either. You will be surprised when your body will lose 2, 3 , 4 lbs in a week! It will happen. My first week I lost a lb a day! Now I am losing a few here and there. Just know your healthy eating and working out will turn you into more, not just someone losing weight! You are doing good for your body and that should be motivating enough :) One day at a time. Dont give up. Have a blessed day!!
  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    OH please please please hang in there! I know you feel like you're in a slump - Believe me!!! I've been at the same weight for 4 weeks... Working my butt off, marginally cheating on my cheat day... People wonder how I keep with it. I ask myself the same!

    BUT, this is what I think about... If I give in, will it feel better than sweatin' it up and eating healthfully and feeling good about what I'm feeding my body? Now, for me giving in is not ONE meal... It's like 3 days of no exercising and eating whatever I wish... VERY dangerous for my goals!

    So I've been sticking in there - looking at those Halloween treats on my counter and telling them each morning: I am NOT eating you, no matter how good you smell through that packaging! I WILL give you away if the trick or treaters don't take you all away!

    Anyway... After sticking with it for 4 weeks and plateau-ing that whole time I finally saw the scale move this morning... Ya, it was .8lbs (some would say ONLY .8lbs) but it's worth celebrating!

  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Our Father who art in heaven..............................

    How's that!

    We all get a little weak at times. I've worked out for months at a time and somehow get disillusioned. Then lose interest. I've regretted it. So okay if you don't see any improvement think about this, what if you see the results of your hard work fizzle away. That's not fun!
  • To quote Tony Horton,"Rome wasn't built in a day, and neither was your body". I have lost 156 pounds in a little over 2 years. Through that time, I had months that I lost 15 pounds, and I had months that I didn't lose a thing! The key though,is I never gave up. We all have good and bad days, just be sure to keep your eye on the prize! I believe it's important to not get too high on your highs or too low on your lows...keep going and you'll get there!
  • Claudia007
    Claudia007 Posts: 878 Member
    PLEASE don't give up!!! I had a rough day yesterday and starting having the same thoughts. And you know what? Today is a new day! WE can do this! WE are all in this together! Let's forget about that stupid scale and just keep going. Working out, eating right, it will make us healthier. WE CAN DO THIS!! :flowerforyou:
  • http://www.eatingforfatloss.com/

    I don't why, but watching this video spring boarded my butt into a healthy lifestyle. Granted, this is only day 6, but I really think I'm changing my ways. My cravings were uncontrollable and unsatisfiable! I decided to cut myself off. I have cut sugar out of my life almost completely. A few grams, and i mean a few, might sneak in here or there. But other than that, sugar is out. My energy is up and my somewhat depressed state seems to be gone. Anyway, my point is, whether or not you lose weight shouldn't be your number one goal, it should be how you feel and your health. Exercising may not shed the pounds, but it is decreasing your risk for countless diseases. Eating right may not be showing those numbers going down but there are other things in life to be measured. Health and wellness should be at the front of your mind, and shedding pounds is just a bonus that WILL happen :)

    Also, I should mention, i didn't buy the products they sold on that video. I just got inspired to get rid of sugar. :)
  • lisalynn35
    lisalynn35 Posts: 250 Member
    I'm down 124 pounds and I still have bad days/weeks and will it's part of the deal. I gained a couple of pounds last week but I know I'll lose it by next week. I know it's hard to think this way but you've got to remember that you've accomplished something even when you don't see a difference in the mirror or on the scale. Have you measured lately? We all have very distorted view of ourselves, I still see a 345 pound woman in the mirror, so even if you don't see it I'd be willing to bet there has been progress made.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member

    I don't why, but watching this video spring boarded my butt into a healthy lifestyle. Granted, this is only day 6, but I really think I'm changing my ways. My cravings were uncontrollable and unsatisfiable! I decided to cut myself off. I have cut sugar out of my life almost completely. A few grams, and i mean a few, might sneak in here or there. But other than that, sugar is out. My energy is up and my somewhat depressed state seems to be gone. Anyway, my point is, whether or not you lose weight shouldn't be your number one goal, it should be how you feel and your health. Exercising may not shed the pounds, but it is decreasing your risk for countless diseases. Eating right may not be showing those numbers going down but there are other things in life to be measured. Health and wellness should be at the front of your mind, and shedding pounds is just a bonus that WILL happen :)

    Also, I should mention, i didn't buy the products they sold on that video. I just got inspired to get rid of sugar. :)

    That's awesome!
  • thanks! It feels awesome too :)
  • When you eat the same thing everyday or eat within the same number of calories each day, you sometimes have to shock your body by eating at the top end of your calories and then reduce them. For example, if you've been given 1200 calories, eat 1200...not 1100 for a couple of days, then drop back down. Change your exercise also. Your body will get used to doing the same thing every day and the exercise can become ineffective. Bottom line, your body was designed to heal itself... so you have to make changes periodically to "shock" the system. Chin up!!! Don't be discouraged!!!! You're reaching out for support and that's the best thing you could do! We're here for you! YOU CAN DO IT!!!!! :bigsmile:
  • One word THINSPO.

    Or, thinspirations.

    You will lose your appetite looking at these beautiful skinny girls, and everytime you think about cheating... say NO! I will be thin! Be strong, I know it's hard. Especially if you're like me being forced to be around **** food all the time.

    Or look at anything that will lose your appetite. For example, my father. Who shovels food down his mouth, smacking and slurping. Especially greasy meats. He burps and farts.. I swear, everytime he does something disgusting I lose my appetite even more. Even the way he acts loses my appetite, he is very contentious. With everything. That's the only good thing about him (sad, I know).

    But in all honesty please just find something that works for you. Some girls like to look at Reverse-spo, Which is basically looking at really big people or them stuffing thier faces.
  • crewellademel
    crewellademel Posts: 168 Member
    Hey....hang in there. I only weigh myself every 4th day so I don't get so caught up in the little daily ups and downs and freak myself out. I've been dieting for 3 almost 4 months now and can tell you that looking back there is usually 10 days out of every month that I don't lose a single pound (that's 3 weigh ins!). Yet on average I still lose a little over a pound a week. I think our bodies just have to gear up to dump more fat.
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    Hang in there!!! We all know what you are going through, but in the long run it will all work out. I have had bad days also, was way over on calories, fat and sodium last Sunday :sad: But I jumped back on my fitness wagon and was under my calorie and fat goal for the rest of the week. I just came from the grocery store and while I was there, I realized I was looking at more of the low sodium products and low fat or fat free products to help out more. Never thought I would be so health conscious shopping for weekly food.

    You have friends here and we will motivate you whenever you need it. Just ask!!! Look at the response you got this time!!! Don't give up!!!!
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