Fat seems a waste of calories to me...

Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
I know, I know, fat is important etc.. but I'm always under. I used to have stomach issues with flares when I had too much fat, so I guess I'm still careful about that, but mostly, I just don't like all those 'healthy fats'. I don't like nuts (except in desserts, pretty much). Olive oil I use a bit of, but really, I can do without and it's so many calories that I have a hard time justifying it.

I tried 2% Greek yogurt for a while and it didn't fill me up more, didn't taste that different to me, and just made it harder for me to reach my goal, so I switched back to 0%... Same for meat, I'd rather go for leaner meats for less calories.

Is it just me? I typically eat 40-50g of fat a day (a bit more lately though I guess, as I'm eating more ice cream :laugh: ).


  • shutyourpieholeandsquat
    shutyourpieholeandsquat Posts: 1,394 Member
    Hell I go over my fats almost everyday!
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I know, I know, fat is important etc.. but I'm always under. I used to have stomach issues with flares when I had too much fat, so I guess I'm still careful about that, but mostly, I just don't like all those 'healthy fats'. I don't like nuts (except in desserts, pretty much). Olive oil I use a bit of, but really, I can do without and it's so many calories that I have a hard time justifying it.

    I tried 2% Greek yogurt for a while and it didn't fill me up more, didn't taste that different to me, and just made it harder for me to reach my goal, so I switched back to 0%... Same for meat, I'd rather go for leaner meats for less calories.

    Is it just me? I typically eat 40-50g of fat a day (a bit more lately though I guess, as I'm eating more ice cream :laugh: ).
    I eat low fat dairy and leaner meats (I like it) and my fat is about 20%, some days it is more, but generally that is what it is. I used to have stomach issues with fat, eventually I had my gallbladder removed, now I don't have that but too much fat just doesn't agree with me.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Based on my own experience, my flares were the worst when I'd been going low-fat for a while and then ate fat. When I keep an eye on it, add some nuts to my breakfast and a little butter to my bread, I find that an occasional indulgence doesn't immediately make me sorry.

    You know you need fat to absorb nutrients. Suck it up.
    20% is enough to absorb nutrients.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    But the fat on a good steak ( such as a ribeye) is SO yummy when grilled..... or the fat on lean bacon ( fatty bacon is too much).
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    Hell I go over my fats almost everyday!

    Me too, as well as protein and sugar, because, damn... quality of life. I'm not interested in depriving myself.
  • juliafromrf
    juliafromrf Posts: 106 Member
    I also think it's not really worth its calories, but I try to reach my goal anyway. I have hormonal issues and I know it could be due to too little fat over a long time. Fat really is gross to me and I often feel sick after eating something high in fat, but it's probably because my body is not used to it.
    However, 40 - 50 grams is not too bad I think, 50 grams is actually what MFP says I should eat.
  • Dragonwolf
    Dragonwolf Posts: 5,600 Member
    No, they're not a waste of calories, they're vitally important to proper bodily function.

    Vitamins A (vision), D (bone health), E (antioxidants, keeps down LDL), and K (dental, bone, and hearth health) are fat soluble, meaning they require fat in order to be absorbed and used by the body. The body also requires cholesterol to manufacture vitamin D. The brain is made entirely of fat and cholesterol, as are our cell walls.
  • frood
    frood Posts: 295 Member
    Braaaaaaains need saturated fat. Also, hearts and bones and immune systems and and and... Someone pass the butter. :bigsmile:
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    If it works for you, eat it, but for me that would not be quality of life, that would make me feel like crap.

    If you ever lose your gallbladder, you might understand.

    Meanwhile, 20% of total intake is plenty of fat for those who do not like having more.
  • MostlyWater
    MostlyWater Posts: 4,294 Member
    Some fat is important - for joints if I remember correctly. Find the fat you like and eat it! Do you eat chocolate?

    If all else fails, add some olive oil to a salad or to your cottage cheese.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    Based on my own experience, my flares were the worst when I'd been going low-fat for a while and then ate fat. When I keep an eye on it, add some nuts to my breakfast and a little butter to my bread, I find that an occasional indulgence doesn't immediately make me sorry.

    You know you need fat to absorb nutrients. Suck it up.
    20% is enough to absorb nutrients.

    That may be, although of course it certainly depends on how many total calories you're eating. I wasn't responding to you (you can tell because you posted after I did).
    I know, I was responding to your response. :)

    Here is a link about fat, I think I get plenty.

  • CorlissaEats
    CorlissaEats Posts: 493 Member
    Waste of calories??? I cannot seem to get my fat macro to average less than 40% of my diet! Most weeks I am at 40/40/20- granted I am on a restricted diet due to food allergies. They are totally worth the calories! I'd starve without them. Literally. To each their own I suppose.

    I also have gallstones, too many that they couldnt even give me a count. I asked my doc about going low fat, and I asked my naturopath, they both agreed that the healthy fats that high in ratio were fine unless I started to have regular attacks. Given that I almost never eat fried foods, and weightloss cleared up the nausea- I'm going with their advice. Please pass the cashews and the steak!
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I know, I know, fat is important etc.. but I'm always under. I used to have stomach issues with flares when I had too much fat, so I guess I'm still careful about that, but mostly, I just don't like all those 'healthy fats'. I don't like nuts (except in desserts, pretty much). Olive oil I use a bit of, but really, I can do without and it's so many calories that I have a hard time justifying it.

    I tried 2% Greek yogurt for a while and it didn't fill me up more, didn't taste that different to me, and just made it harder for me to reach my goal, so I switched back to 0%... Same for meat, I'd rather go for leaner meats for less calories.

    Is it just me? I typically eat 40-50g of fat a day (a bit more lately though I guess, as I'm eating more ice cream :laugh: ).

    Not just you. I have difficulty absorbing fats, so I try to keep it as low as I possibly can. My GI system doesn't tolerate them very well.

    I use olive oil only to cook with, and even then I have a small mister, so I use as little as possible. And I don't taste the difference between 2% and fat free yogurt, either, so of course I'd go for the one with less calories.

    I don't even like ice cream. I'd rather have a popsicle if I want cool and sweet.

    (preparing to be labeled a heathen now) :bigsmile:
  • amblight
    amblight Posts: 350 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you! I'm all for fat for satiety etc.... But when I look how big a portion I can get of a 'fatty' food (nuts, seeds, avocado, salmon etc.) vs. a low fat food (squash, mushroom, asparagus, shrimp etc.), I tend to opt for the latter category!

    We don't have many (any?) products that are THAT fat reduced (for example - the lowest greek yoghurt you can get is the 2%), so I do average at about 50g fat, which I should thing is fine?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    Because hormones.

    and nutrient absorption...and proper nervous system function...and proper brain function (to name a few)
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    Hell I go over my fats almost everyday!

    Me too. Keeps me fuller and more satisfied (because fat = yummy)

    But yeah, as long as you hit about 0.3*body weight you are fine.
  • mlk0812
    mlk0812 Posts: 19
    Nope I feel better when I eat higher fat and lower carb. It's a lot more satiating.
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I think all of my favorite foods have fat in them. Higher fat, lower carb gives me a ton of energy so I can really work hard at the gym. I'd say the calories are wisely spent!

    Cheese, bacon, salami, avocados, nuts, nut butters, BACON, milk.

    Om nom nom nom
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Based on my own experience, my flares were the worst when I'd been going low-fat for a while and then ate fat. When I keep an eye on it, add some nuts to my breakfast and a little butter to my bread, I find that an occasional indulgence doesn't immediately make me sorry.

    You know you need fat to absorb nutrients. Suck it up.


    typically people have intense GI distress over highly fatty foods- and then condemn them for being "dirty" unclean" or trash... but the reality is - most often they have been "eating healthier" and living very low fat- and any sudden change/spike like that will cause distress or discomfort.

    I find the exact opposite- carbs are too "expensive' for me- I'm never satisfied and they just take up so much of my budget- rather have high protein- high fat.