Thread: 30-somethings looking for random active friends.

I could use a few more active friends. I know others are looking as well. The walls/threads are overwhelming when all you see are profile pics and names with very little to go on. Its like walking into a convention centre full of people and trying to determine which stranger is your new best friend. So:

1. Introduce yourself.
2. give a description of your goals/interests.
3. give an idea of what type(s) of friends you are looking for.

I'll start.
1. I'm Corlissa...and I do in fact like to eat. :wink: It's part of what slowly got me into this mess.

2. I joined MFP 9 months ago to lose weight at my doc's advice. Its going pretty well so far. I'm working on sustainability and permanent weightloss. I focus on eating enough to fuel my body, not to lose at the max rate possible. I post daily, I like the social side of MFP so my posts vary, I weigh all my food, I have food allergies so my ability to accept commentary on my diary is limited. I am making permanent changes to my life so I don't need hand-holding or constant encouragement. I believe that motivation is internal, you have to want it for yourself and I do. I'm taking a full diet break at the moment because I've been sick so many times in the last few months but I will resume once I've stabilized. I did c25k training and strength training before and will resume that soon too. My strategy is 50% diet and 50% exercise. My doc told me to cap it at 1lb per week due to the gallbladder so I am doing this process slowly. I eat a lot of kale. I have zero plans to start posting bikini pics of myself.

3. Friends dont have to actually be in their 30's but I find that I have less patience for immaturity and drama than I used to. I dont need my hand held and I dont really want to have to hold someone else's through this journey. We all have struggles, true, but the internet is not a good venue to tackle someone else's issues. I prefer to have friends with open diaries- because its a level of transparency I would like reciprocated. I dont want to support unhealthy eating habits in others. I love normal average everyday down to earth people, but I love qwerky ones even more.
I like funny and witty posts. Humor is must! I don't swear but I am generally not offended when others do in their posts. I love my current friends who lift, run, eat all the foodz, and are just plain interesting, awesome people. They are changing their lives for the better and enjoying (and hating) the process. I dont think a single one of them is on a "diet"- and I love that. You don't have to be interesting, just willing to be engaging. Comment on my posts, give me something to comment on. Encourage when I need it and give me a gentle reminder when I head off the rails. Male or female, doesnt matter but I do occasionally reference TOM's affects.

There is my personal ad. Feel free to post your own version of the 1, 2, 3 even if you have no plans to add me as a friend. Thanks! :smooched:


  • citalk2much
    citalk2much Posts: 50 Member
    1. Introduce yourself.

    I am Crystal a 44 yo I am a full time college student ya at 44 lol

    2. give a description of your goals/interests.

    I workout 5 times a week and I love doing the 30 day challenges, I am starting the C25K tomorrow and plan to do a 5K on Aug 23rd
    I just started here so I am looking for friends
    I really don't need my hand held I like to see what others are doing and how they are coming along in their goals
    I am currently taking a water aerobics class and I am loving the workout!!
    I have 80 lbs to lose so I am going to be working hard
    3. give an idea of what type(s) of friends you are looking for.

    I like to see what everyone is doing and I hate writing so no books from me however I do plan to be here daily
    so if I sound like a friend you might like please add me
  • HandNik
    HandNik Posts: 10
    1. I'm Nik.I'll be 32 shortly. I put my weight on when my son passed. I also have 2 other wonderful boys.

    2. My goal is generally to get healthy. On top of that, I'd like to fit into my closet full of clothes that I can't use. I was as heavy as 290, and I'm down to 235 right now. I keep hitting a wall around now, so I hired a trainer and started tracking my calories again. My wife surprised me after years of marriage, many of which were challenging after we lost our son, by telling me she was leaving me at the exact moment we were in a stable financial position, new house, good jobs, etc. That made me want to be the best version of me. A lot of the hard stuff is out of the way, so the physical is the last part. I play basketball twice a week. Hit the gym at least 5.

    3. I'm just looking for friends who want to be healthy, who are willing to share tips, advice, encouragement, etc.
  • moragheffernan
    moragheffernan Posts: 1 Member
    1. I’m Miranda, a 33 year old junk food addict from Canada.

    2. I am working to lose the almost-40 lbs I put on after having 2 children and returning to my desk job, where I am tempted daily with sugar and other goodies I can’t refuse. I’ve mainly been eating *a little* better, calorie counting, and trying to get in a half hour of movement a day (whether it’s a walk or weight lifting or playing with the kiddos). Currently doing the C25K training, and liking it as much as I can like any form of exercise.

    3. My news feed is so sad at the moment! I feel like I’m talking to myself. Looking for friends who will liven things up, share and inspire (I will try to do the same).
  • karahm78
    karahm78 Posts: 505 Member
    1) Hi, I am Karah. I am 35 years old and mother of a 5-yr girl and 7-yr boy, and have been married to my wonderful husband for 10 years.

    2) I have gained and lost weight 3 times in my life (after I stopped smoking almost 10 years ago I gained, and after both kids. However, I was able to work hard and lose the weight). However, over the last 2 years I have been working on my MBA (just graduated in May!) and an implementation at work which required long hours and travel (I am a regional operations manager). So, I have gained 40 pounds in the last 2 years due to stress eating and lack of exercise. Now that I am done with school and things are calming down at work, I am back to the gym and we are being much more active.

    3) Looking for like-minded friends who are not looking for a quick fix (diet pills, fads, etc) but are willing to put forth the work to do it right. I currently have no friends of MFP as I am new to this (I have relied on Weight Watchers and Zumba in the past, but needed something new).

    I have been going to the gym regularly and been more active overall. We have a long weekend in Vegas planned next weekend, once we return I plan to add yoga and begin Couch to 5k (I registered for the Electric Run in August and the Color Run in November, primarily for motivation). I just got a Fitbit One, loving it so far.
  • vegwrangler
    vegwrangler Posts: 143 Member
    1.) Hi, I'm Che Angela, 33. I am a fan of eating, running, and generally dorking around. I'm totally plant-powered and love to whip up fresh, whole-food meals. My Mom did teach me not to start every sentence with "I." I just didn't listen very well.

    2.) My main goal at this point is to find that happy-go-lucky girl I lost through years of sucking at life. Allowing the combination of horrible jobs and negative people to influence my perception of self-worth has been an *kitten*-expanding and completely soul sucking experience. Cutting out the self deprecation and practicing more compassion towards myself and other living beings through veganism has been a huge help.

    My secondary goal is to finish a fall half marathon in under 2:30. I haven't had a sensible HM finishing time since 2008 and it's about time I fixed that :-).

    3.) I am looking for friends who enjoy spreading positivity and are consistent logging all of the awesome (and not so awesome) things they do! People that aren't afraid to laugh at life's little quirks are especially appreciated! Potential friends are hereby forewarned that my tomfoolery is parallel to that of a 12 year old boy. Sensitivities toward poop jokes? Thou need not apply :-P.
  • bigpapa36
    bigpapa36 Posts: 68 Member
    1. Hi I'm Aaron, 43 from Cali. My busy schedule made it hard to workout and very easy to grab fast food on the go. I also have a horrendous sweet tooth.
    2. My goal is to lose weight and feel comfortable with my shirt off at the beach. I also want to start running half marathons again.
    3. I'm looking for friends to motivate me and place friendly challenges to make me work harder.
  • RunningOnWontons
    RunningOnWontons Posts: 138 Member
    1. Hi, I'm Claire and I'm 31. I'm a really outdoorsy-focused kind of person, and am trying to get back into shape in order to return to doing the things I used to hiking, running, being active out in nature in general. Oh, and I'm also pregnant...which has been a huge motivation for me to finally get my act together!

    2. Goals...well, I view being able to run for miles and miles again without feeling like dying to be my primary goal. The weight loss is just a nice side effect. A really, really nice side effect. Also, and this may just be the pregnancy hormones talking, but I have my sights set on training for a marathon to run within the year or two that lie ahead of me. Even though I'm currently 70-ish pounds over my ideal weight. And soon to be mother of a newborn. And even though jogging a mile straight through at the moment is a challenge. :D

    3. I'd love to add some more friendly, active friends. Some quirkiness is good, too. I love running, so any folks who are into that are welcome to friend me, but I'll happily accept all friendly, motivated, positive people! Folks selling/pushing weight loss shakes/supplements/magical fairy dust need not apply, though!