'Explain' your tattoo



  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    I have a Legend of Zelda memorial tattoo on my arm. My nephew was 19 years younger than me, but we were both die-hard fans of the series. When cancer claimed him four years ago, I decided to get a tattoo. The tattoo is in the area that the cancer first started in his body and the tattoo is of the Master Sword and Hylian shield, battle worn and laid to rest.

    Seemed like a good tribute for a kid too young to die. :P

    This is a wonderful story
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,740 Member
    I have a Mario sleeve and comic book tattoos simply because I like the art work and it makes me smile.

    Why do people feel the need to express their feelings through tattoos

    Mario is awesome!
    Everyone's different. If you get them for art, great. If you get them for meaning or feeling, awesome. Everyone has a story and some like to express it on their bodies but either way I like them all :drinker:

    I agree...everyone's different and why not just do what's right for you, eh? There's room in this world for all types!

    I have 3 tattoos and I put almost no thought into them at all except "I'm young and that looks cool to me". I'm just happy now in my late 30's that the things that looked cool to me aren't horribly embarrassing and cheesy (at least in my opinion). A ladybug that looks more like a beetle, a crown design, and a silhouette of an interesting plant shape. My friends with their crosses and dolphins acquired at the same time (early 90's) aren't so pleased with their choices now.
  • 1nsomniac13
    1nsomniac13 Posts: 133 Member
    Thanks mantium. I guess another nice thing about it, is that to those not in-the-know, it looks like a gamer tatt. So even without explanation, people seem to "get it", though they might not catch the deeper symbolism.
  • WilmaDennis91
    WilmaDennis91 Posts: 433 Member
    Mines the national flower of the Philippines on the left side of my back.
  • Katrina_vw91
    Katrina_vw91 Posts: 232 Member
    Mine is an old school microphone with roses surrounding it and the words "sing from the heart" around it. I got it for my dedication of love for music and singing....music is a powerful thing!
  • annemariemk4
    annemariemk4 Posts: 72 Member
    I have an anchor on my rib cage with the coordinates to my home town. My family(father & brothers) fish for a living and I lived by the ocean...
    I have song lyrics down my spine "you've taken the scars and worn them well." for my mother... shes an amazing person after all that shes been thru
  • BEquality
    BEquality Posts: 58 Member
    "Que Sera, Sera", in black script, on my left wrist. The placement has a lot of meaning to me, and of course the quote does too. It reminds me to work hard, to never give up, but also to remember that sometimes things won't go how I wish them to... and when that happens, I have to do my best to just work with what life gives me. I'm not sure if I worded it right, but... I love my tattoo. I want more.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I wish mine had some meaning.....I have a very detailed fine line rose on the inside of my hip bone, pelvic region. One piece of stem suffered a stretch mark during my first pregnancy (got lucky and that was one of two I got). It has meaning due to that but when I hit goal it is getting covered by a custom Koi fish. I will be having to travel back to Florida to get it from my favorite artist though.....this is good but makes scheduling a pain, it takes months sometimes to get into him for a few hour block. He did my back piece and I want the work having a matching style, and his style is his own and recognizable. My other one is a fairly large lower back tribal (with some color shading within vines) with a natural looking hibiscus (favorite flower) centered (actually plucked the flower from my yard that day and said make it this color). It dips from butt cheeks (below bikini line) and goes up about 7-8 in. and stretches 90% of the width of my back. I got the back one as a 31st birthday present a few months after my Dad passed. Its meaning isn't regarding him, but it was a marker to the start of my life without him. He raised me as a single parent, my Dad was my world.

    So I guess mine do have some meaning. I would also like one representing my daughters and as cheesy as it sounds I would like a small (not tiny, but hidden by a long ponytail when it hangs straight) symbol for strength in the center of the back of my neck.
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    1: first one, a copyright with MCMLXXXIV between my shoulderblades- born in 1984, and I'm an original - got it on my 18th birthday as a gift.
    2: crown around my right ankle - My name means princess, so I have to remember I deserve to be treated as such.
    3: question mark on my right foot - Life is a journey, keep questioning everything.
    4: Heart that I usually doodle on my left wrist - A reminder not to bottle my feelings.
    5: Large celtic knotwork with a heart in the middle, words Love, Hope, Faith and Peace across my lower back - Druidic princesses used to hae the knotwork on their chests, the heart is for the fact that I put so much of me in everything I do, and the words represent aspects of me and my life.

    I have plans for three more, can't wait to get them.
  • Aly_W16
    Aly_W16 Posts: 4
    I have a freeze mark on my hip that wild mustangs get branded with when captured. The hieroglyphic symbols indicate where/when they were captured/born. My symbols indicate the date I met my husband.
    Ha! That's clever, I like it!
  • Ryderod
    Ryderod Posts: 103 Member
    I have lots, my profile pic is a typical Metal Mulisha skull, why? No deep meaning, purely because I love dirtbikes and the MM brand..
  • jeets888
    jeets888 Posts: 2,237 Member

    Had one more touch up done after this pic was taken ... basically the demon and angel making up my Yin Yang.

    For me there is good and bad to all of us - and finding balance is what is important though it is what escapes us as well. So - the pursuit of the balance continues. Its a struggle im continuously at pains with!!
  • I have a cherry on my ankle with the number 13 - why? well it was a Friday 13th special at a tattoo studio and my birthday so seemed very apt - also my nickname is Cherry so what could be more perfect? :)
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    All mine mean something to me from my fav quotes to when my grams died
  • smetka01
    smetka01 Posts: 99 Member
    I have phoenix on my lower back. I got it shortly after my grandmother died which was before 7 years. It reminds me of her and means hope, life, rebirth and transformation of the body and soul, letting go of the past and overcoming your troubles of the past (new beginning).
    I loved her more than my mother. This way she is always with me. Ok, enough of this stuff before I start crying :sad:
  • DSC_0178.jpg

    Sepultura Tribal S.

    Was into them big time when i was younger (Max Cavalera era) and always wanted it on my arm :)