Headaches from sugary breakfast?

Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
Hi all,

I am not used to eating sweet food for breakfast-- I got into the habit of a high-protein, no-added-sugar breakfast while I was losing weight. I also got accustomed to eating a lot less sweet stuff generally-- too many unsatisfying calories.

Now that I'm maintaining, I've been eating more sweets, and unfortunately the other day when I was shopping, the only type of Greek yogurt (one of my staple foods now) the store had was one with sugar/flavorings added. I've been having sweeter foods, including this sweetened yogurt, for breakfast for the last few days, and noticing that I'm getting headaches much more often. It's really unpleasant.

Anyone else noticed something like this after choosing to eat less sugar (not NO sugar, just less than before) for a while, and then suddenly eating more of it?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Nope. Maybe you're getting sick and it has nothing to do with it...
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Maybe you're pregnant.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Maybe you're pregnant.

    Nope, I'm not. :tongue:
  • natalkaa
    natalkaa Posts: 6 Member
    Most definitely.. And increased sugar cravings, irritability, and increased hunger. It even happens when I go low sugar for 2-3 days and then eat lets say a muffin and donut for breakfast the next day:(
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    Headache sensitive to sweets and caffeine myself, so a little goes a long way. I also get migraines from hell, so I try and not feed them.

    I`m not much of a sweet eater anyway, so I rarely eat sweets. And if I do, its of small amounts. I drink lots of water anyway, but if I do eat something sweet, I down a couple extra glasses of water asap.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Maybe you're pregnant.

    Nope, I'm not. :tongue:

    How do you know? Have you taken a test?
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    Most definitely.. And increased sugar cravings, irritability, and increased hunger. It even happens when I go low sugar for 2-3 days and then eat lets say a muffin and donut for breakfast the next day:(
    Headache sensitive to sweets and caffeine myself, so a little goes a long way. I also get migraines from hell, so I try and not feed them.

    I`m not much of a sweet eater anyway, so I rarely eat sweets. And if I do, its of small amounts. I drink lots of water anyway, but if I do eat something sweet, I down a couple extra glasses of water asap

    Glad to hear others have this problem. I've always had the tendency to get headaches from consuming more sugar than normal, so this isn't new, but I'm kind of unpleasantly surprised by how much more frequently it's happening after months of being accustomed to a fairly low sugar diet.

    Grr, crappy store that didn't have the right kind of yogurt.

    I'm not sure where the other poster's suggestion I could be pregnant comes from; I should have included the context that this does tend to happen to me and always has but is a lot more noticeable after months of intentionally eating less sugar. I would prefer not to discuss how I know I'm not pregnant.
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
    Most definitely.. And increased sugar cravings, irritability, and increased hunger. It even happens when I go low sugar for 2-3 days and then eat lets say a muffin and donut for breakfast the next day:(
    Headache sensitive to sweets and caffeine myself, so a little goes a long way. I also get migraines from hell, so I try and not feed them.

    I`m not much of a sweet eater anyway, so I rarely eat sweets. And if I do, its of small amounts. I drink lots of water anyway, but if I do eat something sweet, I down a couple extra glasses of water asap

    Glad to hear others have this problem. I've always had the tendency to get headaches from consuming more sugar than normal, so this isn't new, but I'm kind of unpleasantly surprised by how much more frequently it's happening after months of being accustomed to a fairly low sugar diet.

    Grr, crappy store that didn't have the right kind of yogurt.

    I'm not sure where the other poster's suggestion I could be pregnant comes from; I should have included the context that this does tend to happen to me and always has but is a lot more noticeable after months of intentionally eating less sugar. I would prefer not to discuss how I know I'm not pregnant.

    Same here also, I am now more sugar and caffeine sensitive than I ever was. Its the building of a tolerance, and mine is very low now. Which is fine, the threat of headaches forces me to eat cleaner. So I just look at in a weird way and take it as a win. :drinker:

    p.s. congrats on making your goal weight.
  • thanson563
    thanson563 Posts: 75 Member
    It makes sense to me. You've adjusted to a new way of eating. Rocking the boat can have various effects. I've noticed if I eat too much junk food now, I literally feel sick.
  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    The mind is a powerful thing