How does a busy mom find the time to exercise?



  • 2_FitNFab
    2_FitNFab Posts: 163 Member
    All of my workouts are at home now. In the summer I have the dvd set in the player the night before and I get up before they get out of bed and throw my gear on and off I go. Right now, it's freezing and I find it hard to drag my butt out of bed - but I just literally sat down to add my exercise to my profile when I saw this. So at 10.30pm on a Friday night, I did an Insanity workout! Insane right? lol! But that way I get to focus on me 'and' its good me time! :)

    This me exactly.Insanity DVD's on week nights, usually at 10 pm and runs on the weekends or early evenings, if I'm lucky. It's my "Me Time" and I just have to make it fit.
  • mrsdmiller74
    mrsdmiller74 Posts: 34 Member
    I have four kids, two jobs and have been separated for almost 3 months. I can surely understand. I usually do zumba at home but do get a chance to sneak off to the gym once or twice a week or to the track. My workouts change almost on a daily bases. My workout is what every is convenient at that time. For instance since my baby is not a camp today I will leave work and go straight to the gym. Yesterday I left work went to the send job and did zumba at home, my goal is to do 30 minutes min. and a hour max. if my time permits no more no less. I never eat my calories back because I am just starting off I want to have a little self control. Honestly I do not count my workout as extra calories in my BRAIN just on MFP. If my brain gets comfortable thinking I have all these extra calories to eat I WILL. As long as I'm not hungry I have gotten my work out in then I am good.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    You will never "find" the time. You will schedule what works for you and stick to it. My husband and i traded kid duty so that we could both exercise daily. now that mine is older she comes with me. Because i was obese i always wanted exercise a huge part of my kid's life. i pushed her stroller at 5 ks, moved her into fun runs and now she does jr triathlons and 5 ks. The fact that we can do 5ks together with me jogging instead of walking-cause i am no longer obese is awesome. All my healthy thin family members incorporate their kids into the workouts. My brother works out while his kids are in krav maga. my other brother swims and hikes with his kids constantly. my widowed sister in law uses the jog stroller and bike trailer for her toddler, she even has rain covers for them, weather hardly ever stops her routine. for us exercise is not optional-when someone asks us to do something during exercise time we usually say sorry, i can do it after such and such time. otherwise you discover you never end up exercising. Like being on time for work or going to weekly Mass-i don't mess with those schedules. Luckily everyone in my family is healthy and doesn't give me any crap for it. Train for a 5k or fun run with your kids, look for a jr tri in your area(they start at very young ages-usually 6)-they will love those memories.
  • kms_77
    kms_77 Posts: 7