"You don't like you used to be..."

puckit61 Posts: 112 Member
I have gotten this response on multiple occasions when people have found out that I've lost the weight that I have or that I used to be obese. Can someone tell me how one would look if they lost a lot of weight and you could tell? I'm baffled. Thanks in advance!


  • _John_
    _John_ Posts: 8,641 Member
    I would answer this question honestly, with an example, but I'd immediately be modzapped because it would be very mean.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    You need to clarify. The question is vague as hell. What exactly do you want to know?
  • puckit61
    puckit61 Posts: 112 Member
    ugh, sorry. I just now realized I completely butchered the topic line.

    Let me clarify: When it comes up in a conversation that I used to be heavier or that I used to be obese, I've had on multiple occasions gotten the response. "You don't look like you used to be."

    Just how does one tell based upon someone's appearance that they used to be heavier?
  • Guns_N_Buns
    Guns_N_Buns Posts: 1,899 Member
    I usually scope out loose skin or stretch marks. I have a gf that used to be 250 and you would never know until she gets in a bikini. And even then her body is banging.
    <<<<in my avatar pic

    I think it just comes down to genes and HOW they lost the weight to determine IF you can tell or not..
  • brookielaw
    brookielaw Posts: 814 Member
    I generally dress in a way in which the obvious areas that show it the most are covered but I'm guessing if I'm wearing something sleeveless and you're paying close attention my loose skin or old stretch marks gives it away. It still feels better than the fatsuit I wore 24/7 before.
  • MommaRou56
    MommaRou56 Posts: 68 Member
    Some people who have recently lost weight -- or even those who did a while back -- have sagging skin that is noticeable. In those cases, I guess you could tell that someone used to be overweight. But it is kind of a rude thing to say to someone nonetheless. Perhaps it's their way of complimenting you and saying you look as if you've always been thin. I have heard others say this, too, and I find it kind of odd as if there would be some sort of "sign" that someone had previously been overweight.