Bad food day tomorrow, and parents trying to hold me back.

I'm doing really well and enjoying eating healthily. Currently on 153-155lb for a 5ft 8 male, but looking to improve my core. Apparently I have 10.4% body fat when I last weighted with a personal trainer at the gym.

I have a wedding to go to and my Dad who's the best man wants me to go with him and the groom for an all-you-can-eat breakfast which does fried breakfast items, so I have to have a bad day which could potentially ruin my diet. As well as the breakfast, I have a roast meal in the wedding reception, chocolate cake, and a buffet which I have to eat.

Also I have a feeling that my parents are trying to hold me back when it comes to eating healthily as they think I'm "too skinny" even though I'm clearly not. My mum lately has been buying me chocolate and I feel that I have to eat it, even though I've been pretty careful, she expects me to eat it which is really annoying. I want to say to her not to buy me anymore chocolate for now, but I now she will get all mad and say I'm being stupid for doing a 'health kick' even though I'm aiming to improve my appearance.

I just wanted somewhere to have a little rant on, feeling upset that all my hard work since January (lost 1 and a half stone since then) may potentially be hindered.


  • TheStephil
    TheStephil Posts: 858 Member
    One day won't kill you. You can and should be able to enjoy yourself time to time. That being said, you can eat healthy at an all-you-can-eat type setting. You can choose smaller portions or healthier food options. A Breakfast place should have fruit, eggs, bacon, sausage, etc. Same thing with the buffet for the wedding dinner. Personally though, I'd eat and just enjoy it. You don't have weddings every day and even if you gained a little weight over the day, your lifestyle will help you lose the weight quickly.

    Chocolate isn't bad for you... you should be able to eat it and still lose weight/get fit. But if for some reason you don't want to, you can always just take the chocolate and give it to someone else or throw it away. You don't have to eat it out of guilt.
  • Wavy1985
    Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
    I forgot to mention on Monday, my personal trainer will be giving me a new strength training program, and I've been doing a 30 day beach body challenge app.
  • Wavy1985
    Wavy1985 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you Thestephil, I'm hoping there is fruit and yoghurt at this place. I could have that and add a few meats into it, I guess that could be some protein. Lol. And I'll probably just get one plate in the evening buffet and choose carefully.

    I just hate when my patents say I'm too skinny even though I'm nowhere near skinny. I have low body fat but still have a rubbish stomach which needs toning up.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    For the breakfast buffet, just make healthier choices. More fresh fruit, eggs, lean protein if available.

    For the reception and cake and stuff, don't feel obligated to eat everything on your plate. A few polite tastes are fine.

    As for your parents... They're going to do that they think is right for you, no matter what you know or do or what your personal trainer says. I would make up some excuses like "Mom, please don't buy any more chocolate, it makes me feel really sick." As long as you live with them, they're going to do that. Why not just give the chocolates away to a friend or girlfriend?

    Not a whole lot else you can do, unfortunately. Until you're away from them they're going to baby you.