Free weights versus machines: gym newbie

I recently joined a new gym, where it's just machines and free weights, no group classes like my college gym. I had a free session with a trainer yesterday, where he explained what I could do to meet my goals. He recommended doing stuff like the leg press machine because he wanted me to strengthen my back, hamstrings and glutes, to strengthen my posterior first. I have heard a lot of negative stuff about the leg press and just wanted to deadlift instead. What are some exercises you do at the gym that work your hamstrings and glutes? I already planned on working on the squat rack besides this.


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You do realize deadlift and leg press aren't something you would interchange, right? If you want to strength train more discuss it with the trainer or do some research on beginner programs - getting in there and doing random lifts will just get you hurt.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    My bad. I do realize that. But Im used to lifting at my old gym. My question is, is a leg press effective as a workout at all?
  • rollng_thundr
    rollng_thundr Posts: 634 Member
    The difference between machines and free-weights is one emphasizes strict form... while the other allows a user to vary the point of emphasis.

    You can vary slightly position of the posture or placement of the anchor point, but you better have good form if you do so.

    I combine machines/free-weights to allow my workouts to vary how the target muscle is being worked.

    Pronate/suponate, etc can only be done effectively using free weights, but you might be able to utilize more weight on a machine because you have a good support system.

  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Free weights give you a better workout and turn isolated lifts with machines into compound exercises. Machines also sometimes force you into positions that don't utilize your strength well or could hurt you.
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Thanks, that is what I thought. I expressed the same opinion to the trainer as well. What lower body exercises do you generally do in the gym? Squats, deadlifts and lunges? I am looking to maintain muscle while losing body fat and I currently get 40% of my calories from protein.
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    You've been here long enough to see stronglifts recommended 352,549,000 times. There's a reason for that. Google it, watch form videos on YouTube, start the routine at the gym, profit.
  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    You've been here long enough to see stronglifts recommended 352,549,000 times. There's a reason for that. Google it, watch form videos on YouTube, start the routine at the gym, profit.

    Listen to him.
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I use free weights for squats ,lunges,romanian deadlifts,split squats, calf raises then use the leg press,seated hamstring,adduction,abduction and front leg lift machines. I aways start with the free weights since my form and stamina is more important.