Running or Lifting to get a "Beach Body"

Hey everyone. Quick background: 18 years old, female, 5,4', and now 114-ish pounds. Gained from about 108 or so since October unintentionally, but my bench has also unintentionally gone up, so I can't complain too much I guess. I'm just about to finish up my High School track career as a distance runner. While running for my team, and logging about 30 miles a week, I also lifted fairly heavy (a variety of programs, and reps, ranging from 1-10 reps this year), about 3 times a week or so (have been lifting for about 2.5 years)

Now, I'm debating on whether to focus on training for a half marathon, or lifting. I like both, but I feel as though since it's not freezing out, it'd be a good opportunity to run and enjoy the summer weather. I am in pretty good shape. I wouldn't call myself skinny fat, but I'm not skinny muscle either. I'm pretty average. I'd like to maintain (or lose the weight I've gained), but just look a bit harder. Not have my legs jiggle, have nice abs, etc.

If I do 1/2 Training, I am planning on building up to 50 miles per week. Will I be able to achieve my aesthetic goals while doing this? If so, what sort of weight training should I do?


  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    50 mpw for a half is no joke training, you will be very prepared and likely run a great time. Training that heavily on your race won't leave a ton for lifting , but 2 solid full body workouts, comprised of compound movements should be sufficient to keep your muscle and give you what you are looking for assuming that your eating is under control. Sometimes its a fine line between eating enough to fuel those runs & still lean out a bit.