I cannot seem to stay within my calorie goal



  • MJDuley
    MJDuley Posts: 47 Member

    I got my food scale at Walmart. I really like the Taylor "Biggest Loser" one. You can stick your container on the scale, and then turn it on, and it automatically adds the tare so all you need to do is add your items! It was only $24.

    I will definitely look for it when I go shopping this weekend!
    As a tip, if you find yourself overeating certain items, or grazing, one suggestion I've made to people is pre-portioning everything out in little Ziploc bags, and writing down the macros (calories, fat ,sat fat, protein, ect) on them if you have to. If you find yourself going for a second bag, seeing the macros can help you see how much you're eating, and contemplate if you can fit it into your macros for the day. Takes time, but being conscientious of portion sizes goes a long way!

    I like this idea! It sounds like something that could really help me. I think seeing that info right in plain view would really be good for me and help me curb my eating.
    Feel free to add me if you want!

    I did, thank you! :happy:
  • MJDuley
    MJDuley Posts: 47 Member
    Hi there. I swim every day. Wow, what a burn that is! I'm burning 900-1200 calories for an hour in the pool. I swim well now, but I only learned a year ago.

    I also drink Metamucil twice a day as a fiber supplement. Fills me up and helps with my IBS and diverticulosis. Let me know if you need friends for support. Drop me a message.

    I no longer swim because I've had skin cancer twice and I burn very easily, even with sunblock. But your post makes me think about our local YMCA and maybe they'd have an indoor pool. I'll have to check into that, because I know swimming is great exercise and I do miss it.

    I will give Metamucil a try as well. How does it taste?

    I'm sending you a friend request as well, thanks for offering!
  • MJDuley
    MJDuley Posts: 47 Member
    You may want to check out Leslie Sansone's walking workout DVDs. They've helped me lose 28 pounds since November. I'm a SAHM and can't always get out for a walk, unless i go late at night after my youngest is in bed.

    I've heard of those and wondered if they worked. I'm glad to hear they do and I'll definitely pick one up! Like you, I'll be a SAHM starting next month so being able to use a DVD like that during her naptime would be so convenient.
    Try drinking plenty of water before, during, and after your workout, maybe that will help with the swelling?

    I do take a bottle of water with me when walking, but maybe I'm not getting enough? I started upping my water intake just in the past week or so. We'll see if that makes any difference. If not, I guess I'll have to see what my Dr. says.

    Is there a mall nearby you can walk at when it's hot out?

    There are quite a few, actually. DH and I have both been talking about doing just that. We need to get off our rears and do it.

    I don't have a car during the day though (DH has it at work), so it would have to be an evening/weekend thing.