Introduction of Me Myself and I

I am Ivan... Some call me Ivan the Great and other call me Ivan the Terrible... you can decide.
Most people love my sense of humor since I am always throwing out some funny comments, but I do not like to offend any one.
I consider myself like a John Candy, but I don't smoke any more and John is now 6 feet under... I did not want to be in his shoes. Probably wouldn't fit anyway.

I went to WLIA 3 days ago and when I weighed in I could not believe my eye seeing me at 450 lbs. Oh my I am almost a 1/4 of a ton... I knew at that point that I need to do something about it and fast. So after Mike discussed with my a diet program, I knew right at that time that I need to start something immediately. So I started eating healthier than I was eating so I went to Sam's club right after my visit to the doctors office and purchased $100 worth of healthy food... Some of the items I got was a slab of Salmon, 6 lbs of skinless/boneless chicken breasts, and Jenny-O ground turkey, spring mix lettuce and other healthy items, along with a spray roto-rooter for my nose... since my nose was totally clogged while in the doctors office. I couldn't even wait to pay for the nasal spray to use it... after about 10 minutes I started feeling relief. So how do you spell relief?

I am self employed selling item on Amazon and sales is good on the whole, but it does bug me when sales drops off. But that would bother anyone in business.

I have an African Gray Parrot named Apollo which is 25 years old and has over a 400 word/sentence vocabulary. She does not use any foul (fowl) language but many things she say is very funny. When she hears a knocking, not necessarily some one at the door, she yells "Come on In". Other times she asks me "Are you tired?". I suppose that she says these things after hearing me say them. That would be logical.

Anyway I can use all the support and help I can get to keep me going on this program.




  • halfpintpeggy
    halfpintpeggy Posts: 64 Member
    Hi Ivan! Best wishes to you, feel free to add my as a friend!!!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Hi Ivan, feel free to add me. We can steer each other on the straight and narrow road.

  • Good for you.... feel free to add me if you like.

  • stacyosoyoos
    stacyosoyoos Posts: 41 Member
    Hi Ivan., welcome!
    How long have you had your parrot for? When I was a kid living in the Yukon we had a pet parrot named cookie that was given to us. We didn't know he could talk until one day my mom was home alone having a bath and she heard a mans voice in the house saying dirty words. It frightened her and she immediately climbed out of the tub and ran for the phone. When help arrived they searched the house but didn't find anything. A few days later the same thing happened, my mom climbed out of the tub and tip toed out of the bathroom. There was cookie sitting on the top of the drapes talking like a dirty old man. Lol
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    I LOVE african grays! My mom fostered one that absolutely fell in love with me, whenever he saw me, he'd yell "Fireworks!" then walk over to me, and whine "hug me. hug me."

    Feel free to add me, you've got a journey in front of you and I'd like to see far you go!
  • silencioesoro
    silencioesoro Posts: 318 Member
    Hi Ivan., welcome!
    How long have you had your parrot for? When I was a kid living in the Yukon we had a pet parrot named cookie that was given to us. We didn't know he could talk until one day my mom was home alone having a bath and she heard a mans voice in the house saying dirty words. It frightened her and she immediately climbed out of the tub and ran for the phone. When help arrived they searched the house but didn't find anything. A few days later the same thing happened, my mom climbed out of the tub and tip toed out of the bathroom. There was cookie sitting on the top of the drapes talking like a dirty old man. Lol

    That's hilarious!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Welcome. You are on the right track already. I recommend to start with eating healthier and in good portions. Too much of a good thing is a bad thing. Get in here and just do it. I know you can because I did. Started at 344 and am now about 227. After a month or so I joined a gym and started adding exercise to whAt I was doing. It started slow but now really miss it when I cannot go. You can do this and it is well worth the effort.
  • You parrot sounds like a diamond! Good luck! I'm Bonnie and I am here for support if required. :-) good for you changing your life!
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    Sounds very fowl to me... LOL
  • sweetcurlz67
    sweetcurlz67 Posts: 1,168 Member
    your topic title should have said: Introduction of Me Myself and Ivan... :wink:

    Good luck, you can do it and I know your parrot and your MFP peeps will help cheer you on!!! :drinker:
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    What do you mean... I have a difficult steering my car... ... Only kidding around
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    Hey your are correct on that one.
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    Yes, mine is named Apollo and after I named her I found out it was a female... but she does not care..
    She is a diamond... and also a chunk of coal at the same time. She is smart, but loves to climb down my chest of drawers and walk around on the floor chewing up stuff.... I try to get her to stop doing that but it has been difficult.... I also have two nick names for her.... Princess when I am being loving, and the gray chicken when I get upset at her... even though she does say "Are You Pissed Off at me?". Most people go nuts laughing when they hear her say that one.
  • Hi Ivan!

    My parents have an African Grey and I just love him.... He makes me laugh whenever I go there to visit! :smile:
  • IvanPerry
    IvanPerry Posts: 12
    I consider my African Gray a Jewish Bird among other things, well since this is a Jewish home I taught her to say some Yiddish/Hebrew... Which is "Your Meshuguneh" which means your crazy in a funny way..... She comes up with that out of now where. Also every time I lay down in bed, she says " Are you Tired?".

    After a while I stop laughing and just talk with her as if she is a real person....

    Additional note: I have uploaded photos of her in my photo area.