Not enough calories too many carbs!!



  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    If you are in recovery from an ED and are working with a dietician/doctor - perhaps they are increasing your calories slowly. In looking at your diary, you are still not reaching the 1400 calories a day. Keep working with the professionals that are advising you. It looks like you're trying to turn it around and be healthy and that's awesome.

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:
    ^^this^^ excellent post.:smile:
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    My impression from reading your diary is that you are avoiding dietary fat. I don't know why you are doing that, but I wanted to add that dietary fat in moderation is good for you, and excessive restriction of dietary fat is a bad thing, as we learned during the low fat diet craze. Please don't get obsessed with "good and bad fats" either. Have some bacon and eggs now and then. ;)
  • superhippo95
    superhippo95 Posts: 21 Member
    your fat is way too low, its destroying your hormones and growth. I can tell you still suffer severely from an eating disorder.
  • tracydr
    tracydr Posts: 528 Member
    Hello, I'm currently trying to gain about a pound a week, but have unfortunately ran into a problem; I keep going over with carbs and protein, yet I can't reach my 1400 calorie goal! I have it set at 50% carbs, but I'll go over to about 55% sometimes. I enjoy oatmeal at night and fruits throughout the day, that is probably why my crabs are so high. But, I don't really know what else to eat. I eat Greek yogurt, lite bread, eggs, lunch meat, chicken, tuna, and veggies mostly. Please help me before I go insane. Thanks and God bless.
    I started adding a scoop of whey protein powder in an unsweetened almond milk and/ fruit smoothie, or even just the protein powder in almond milk. It's changed my macros so that they are much more balanced. I also had to cut my fat as it was around 50% until I did some changes. Looks like you need to add fat.
    Fat is so important to health, in moderation. Please don't avoid things like avocados, nuts, olive oil and fatty fish. And a dark meat chicken piece instead of white meat is fine, too, especially if it's free range. Free range meat is always higher in omega 3's. I raise my own meat chickens so I know how they were fed.
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    1400 calories? you wouldnt even gain weight with that amount, you'd need 2000+ at least, if your suffering from an ED seek some professional advice
  • Ulwaz
    Ulwaz Posts: 380 Member
    It looks too me from your diary that your suffering from an ED, how do i know? because i have/am as well, your avoiding foods high in calories, having too many carbs isnt going to make you fat, it doesnt matter what foods you eat as long as its within your calories for the day but you need to be eating more than 1400 calories, please seek some professional help
  • shartran
    shartran Posts: 304 Member
    If you are in recovery from an ED and are working with a dietician/doctor - perhaps they are increasing your calories slowly. In looking at your diary, you are still not reaching the 1400 calories a day. Keep working with the professionals that are advising you. It looks like you're trying to turn it around and be healthy and that's awesome.

    Best of luck. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, I went through this myself when recovering - I had to gain 45 lbs. and the dietician starts you out with smaller amounts and increase from there. By the end, I ended up eating approx. 3500 cal's/day. They have to make sure you don't experience 'refeeding syndrome' - very dangerous.

    Best of luck to you. It's not an easy road - keep in touch/friend me if you would like.
  • Linnaea27
    Linnaea27 Posts: 639 Member
    I'm 5'6 102 pounds, and I'd like to reach 120 pounds. I'm recovering from an eating disorder, so my dietitian is the one who put me on the 1400 calorie diet. I gained one pound, but now I'm stuck on the same number. My mom disagrees with my dietitian and doctor about me having 1400 calories, but I guess under the circumstances it's normal.

    Have you seen this website (and the article I'm linking to, in particular)? It is worth poking around on there extensively, as you're in recovery. I think you'd find this very helpful and interesting:

    But it does sound like your nutritionist is approaching this with caution, as they need to. :)

    Try getting some full-fat Greek yogurt. And enjoy peanut butter or other fatty things you used to like before you started restricting. And if you can eat dairy, go for full-fat cheeses-- they are delicious and the fat in them helps with proper metabolism of calcium for bone strength.

    Good luck, I hope you recover well and quickly!
  • colej157
    colej157 Posts: 5
    I'm in recovery too so I know first hand how difficult it can be to consistently eat more, and to start incorporating more challenging foods. It's taken me years to even get to the point of being willing to follow my dietitian's advice. Because my metabolism has been so suppressed for so long we're increasing my intake very slowly.

    I just joined so I don't know if there's a way to chat off the main board, but if there is, and you want to talk more about this, you can send me a message directly.
