Power plate

Debx12345 Posts: 210
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
Anyone got a power plate that has modes, mine has three different ones, that basically go really slow then suddenly go crazy and up to highest, it will only let you do it for 5 mins, my question is what's all that about ? You can't do any exercises on it properly or else you would fall off, so do I just stand there if I do this ?


  • kasmir8199
    kasmir8199 Posts: 507 Member
    I often do Power Plate exercises at the gym with my trainer. I honestly don't know how to operate one on my own (they have them roped off at my fitness club and only the trainers are allowed to program them), but I love using them.

    The majority of the drills we do on the power plate last anywhere from 30 sec - 1 minute per set. I've done lunges, weighted step-ups, squat holds, lateral squats, planks, push-ups, and even exercises like bicep curls and tricep kickbacks on the power plate. Many of the drills are done while part of your body is on the plate and very few with your body completely on it.


    Have an aerobic step or platform equal in height to the Power Plate; Lunges - start while standing on the PP, then step into a lunge onto the platform; Planks - you're in push-up position with your hands on the PP and your feet on the platform (hold); Push-ups - same as plank, but doing push-ups instead of holding.

    Step-ups: Holding a weight above your head, step-up onto the PP, then back down (1 rep)

    Lateral squats- starting on the ground, step one foot laterally onto the PP, the other foot coming off the ground and up (as if trying to kick your butt), then back down into a deep squat. Repeat.

    You can stand completely on the PP to do a squat hold for 1 minute (really burns if you do a deep squat and hold that position), or do a set of bicep curls, or tricep kickbacks. . .

    I'm sure there are TONS of exercises that can be done on the PP! I love it. And the vibrations help with circulation to get the lactic acid out of your muscles faster.
  • Thanks, can you ask your fitness trainer what the different modes are for, they are abit like programmes on a treadmill, where they go really fast then really slow, you can only do five mins at a time, that's all the machine will let me set it to. The picture looks abit like walking up stairs then back down, max on mine is 60 and at times the mid takes it to this, which there is no way I could do any movement, hanging on for dear life! The manual that came with it doesn't say what they are for. Thanks
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