Help! Need cardio tips for home!

So, I was on MFP and doing quite well until our big move to California in July. Since then we've moved back to Washington (cali was definately not for us) and in moving back that ate all of our resources. SOOOO right now joining a gym isn't really in the works since we need to save money. Also, we're living with his sister and her family and so it's kind of hard becuase they eat a lot of fried food and not a lot of salad/vegies. Before when it was just my fiancee and I, we were eating really healthy so it was easy. Now it's harder than hell watching what we eat. Also, since we can't join a gym I need help figuring out what to do about cardio. I know there's the obvious "get outside and walk" but we live in western Washington State and it's the rainy season until May. I need help on what kind of cardio others do at home. We have a weight bench so that's not an issue, it's just the cardio, and LORD do I need a ton of that right now!! Any suggestions would be amazing!


  • crissi66
    Walmart sells a mini elliptical or a mini stepper for less than a hundred bucks. I know that could be alot on a tight budget but they are small and can be used all year round.
  • Buckeye_Mama
    Buckeye_Mama Posts: 30 Member
    I've been adding "running up and down stairs" into my home's a killer and a big calorie burner if you have good stamina.
  • marilla
    marilla Posts: 221 Member
    How about renting fitness DVDs from the library? Often you can keep them for a few weeks. It gives you variety and you can preview them for ones you might want to buy.

    Some people have also posted that there are some free fitness videos you can view on the internet. I don't know what sites they are, but maybe you could do a topic search.
  • lculian
    lculian Posts: 313 Member
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred covers strength cardio and abs, and it's a great workout:) When I don't have time for a work out but I want to get my heart going I'll do 100 jumping jacks and then run in place for a couple of minutes, and repeat. If you add some ankle weights and wrist weights even that could turn into a great cardio workout:) Every little bit helps!
  • becomingsara
    aaaaand here's my netflix plug! :0)
    Seriously though, we have streaming on our xbox and the wii (plus we get the 2 dvd permonth for $11 I think) anyhoo, you can stream in as many as you can and see what styles fit! Also try (as well as the library suggestion).
  • daryls
    daryls Posts: 260
    I like watching the Netflix exercise videos. It only costs around $14 a month for us (I think it can be even cheaper with only 1 DVD at a time - unlimited). But, then you get to watch all the Instant videos/movies/workout videos/tv shows that they have online.

    The library is definitely the cheapest option - but $14 a month is cheaper than a gym!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I would agree on workout DVD's through Netflix as well. We rented Jillian Michael's 30 day shred this week and it was a good workout.

    I've also heard the library has some good options to check out.

    Also, check out Fit TV. What's that guys name Gilad?
  • rundgrenfan
    I pop in a movie or turn on my soap and march in place and do other light aerobics while watching it.
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    I would agree on workout DVD's through Netflix as well. We rented Jillian Michael's 30 day shred this week and it was a good workout.

    I've also heard the library has some good options to check out.

    Also, check out Fit TV. What's that guys name Gilad?

    I love Gilad!!!! His workouts are good, and usually are total body.
  • AmandaR910
    We have Exercise TV programs for free on OnDemand.
  • kymarai
    kymarai Posts: 3,632 Member
    I use workout dvd's from the library, borrowed from friends, or that I own. But my favorite cardio is actually my IPOD then I dance, march, wiggle, and jog. I try to keep heart rate up and don't wake anyone up while doing it. ( earphones)
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    check to see if your town has a recreation center. they usually have a full gym and sometimes a pool! ours is $20/yr (yes, twenty dollars a year).

    i hear you about california vs. washington. born in california, lived there til i was 12, lived in washington until 31, moved back to california and was like "oh screw this noise" and moved to rhode island.
  • kayemme
    kayemme Posts: 1,782 Member
    also, i got rid of my car and got a couple bikes. now i just bike everywhere i go. that helps a LOT and saves a TON of money! seriously
  • tessjordan88
    tessjordan88 Posts: 201 Member
    We found a cheap roller skate rink in our area. Only $4 per person most nights, but on Tuesday nights, they have Christian family night, and they play Christian hip-hop & rock music and it's HALF PRICE! So, at $2 per person, it's a TON cheaper than a gym membership, with no contracts, and the calorie burn is AMAZING! You don't necessarily have to get outside in the rain to burn calories. Hope this helps!
  • suebell
    suebell Posts: 3 Member
    How about walking in the mall. Our mall even opens early just for the mall walkers.
  • SaraTN
    SaraTN Posts: 536 Member
    A lot of great suggestions here. What about dancing? If you have an Ipod you can just put on your buds and dance your *kitten* off without disturbing others. On Demand has great videos under exercise TV everything from exercises, abs, Jackie Warner, Jillian Michaels, a variety of dance and other options. No need to purchase the DVDs if you can get programs on TV.

    Do you have a Step Platform? Why not just step up and down while watching TV or listening to music on that! The Y also offers income based programs. Take advantage of it if you can.

    Most gyms will give you a 7 day pass to try out before you commit so you could explore all the gyms in your area utilizing the passes now and then when you are in a financial position to purchase you will know the right place for you based on your experience. (Just remember the person you spoke to so they can write you up later and get credit if they work that way).