Smokin BBQ lunch today! Yum!

So here's where I'm going for lunch.

My current calorie intake is 1650 and I have a wedding to go to tonight so I'm going to way the **** over calories and macros for the day!

I figure I should keep lunch slightly in check as I plan on partaking freely in wedding food/alcohol and dessert this evening.

Any suggestions on what might be the best option at this place calorie wise. I'm sure it's all outrageously high, but I'm wondering what my best bet is (and I'm totally not willing to peel the breading off of that yummy sounding fried chicken).


  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Personally I wouldn't worry too much, it will always be an estimate at those events anyway. Maybe just slightly drop cals for a week to compensate if you are worried. If I have a mega bad day, it doesn't affect me much anyway, so I wouldn't even do that anymore.

    Just really enjoy yourself :)