Hello from Anchorage

Hello from Anchorage. I am here for a quick introduction. I am male, just south of 50, 220 lbs when starting, looking to get back to 180 as a mid goal. About 3 years ago I was at 220, joined WebMD's WLC and through careful journaling and maintaining a healthy eating plan I went to 175 and stayed there 18 months. They discontinued the service, I thought I had it figured out and quit journaling, starting thinking, "I deserved a little treat because I have been good" and 18 months later I am back where I started. It is time to make a life change again. Over the last couple of weeks I have dropped my first 3 lbs. My goal is 2 lbs per week.

I am not sure how active I will be on the boards but I may chime in once in a while. My interests are my new 5 month old granddaughter, my family, my boat, (which I built), fishing, camping, and hiking. I am not a hunter although I do like lean game meat, which I have access to. My kids are 30 and 27 and both married and out of the house. I am married to the same women for 33 years and hope to make it another 33 years.

I am originally from the Southwest, different areas of NM. I love Mexican food and Green Chili. I am not big on exercising for the sake of exercise but like to play. I was a youth soccer coach for 18 years.

Whew, there it is, my life in 3 paragraph's.