
kbooth Posts: 49 Member
My name is Krystal. I have had a "membership" with this website for a year, but have just recently decided to utilize all it has to offer.

I am 25-years-old and have been trying to loose weight since January of this year. I have lost a total of 25 pounds since I've started, but I still have 55 pounds more to go to be at my target weight.

I also have two young children (ages 9 & 6) who I am hoping to inspire and teach to be more active and healthy. So far, my daughter (age 6) is really into "working out" and is very encouraging in her own little way. She accompanies me to local workout classes including Zumba and Kickboxing, is my little workout buddy while using workout DVDs at home, and even likes to workout with me on the treadmill and stationary bike (she does very little but thinks she is so big). I hope to continue seeing her enjoy exercise while I learn to love it too.

I live in a very rural area, so I have had to do most of my journey alone. It is sometimes difficult and lonely, so I hope to gain some online friends to continue to inspire and motivate me along the way.

Thanks for listening! I hope to meet some of you and share stories, tips and encouragement! :smile:


  • michaeltrosan
    Hey there, I'm Mike. I used to use until it was changed under the Livestrong campaign. It's not that I dont support cancer research, I do, but I found this app on my iphone and liked how easy it was to use. I read your post. You seem really nice. Hang in there.. we'll do great as long as we both make it a daily habit!

    New Brunswick, NJ
    - 31 lbs in 6 months!