30 Day Shred vs. Insanity?

I bought Insanity a few months ago and did the first 2 weeks of it but my marathon training got too much to do with Insanity. My marathon is now over and I'm ready to do something!!

I saw great results in just 2 weeks of Insanity...but I am hearing awesome things (& seeing awesome results!) about 30 day shred!!

What are your inputs, suggestions, comments, preferences?! I'll take anything you got :)


  • Tonya1979
    I have not done either one but have heard good things about the 30 day shred. Good luck.
  • CakeFit21
    CakeFit21 Posts: 2,521 Member
    They do not compare! 30 day Shred, (which I've done) is an awesome program if you are just starting out on your fitness quest. If you've already done a marathon, (congratulations!) you are way past Shred! If you want to do circuit training, (like shred) go for Jillians longer DVD No More Trouble Zones. However, Insanity, (Love it, but couldn't finish due to injury :sad: ) is such an awesome program I have a hard time recommending anything over it. Good luck! I hope this helps!
  • turbojanem
    i've never done either (even being a Beachbody coach), but i would say Insanity would be more intense and give you a more ripped look. what are you going for?
    it is also my understanding that most of the Shred workouts are around 30 min....much less time, so the results would be less.
  • ash15nicole
    thanks everyone!

    it sounds like i'll get more what im looking for out of Insanity!!

    I am going to start the 60-day challenge Monday!!! :) Thanks for all your help!
  • turbojanem
    awesome, you will be looking hotter for the holidays! wooohooo!
  • TrainingWithTonya
    TrainingWithTonya Posts: 1,741 Member
    I absolutely love Insanity. 30 Day Shred, not so much. I'm not a Jillian fan though, because I'm too busy correcting her form and screaming at the tv to stand to do her workouts. I did do the workout though, once, and thought it was too light for someone who is already well trained. If you want something weight training wise that goes good with Insanity since Insanity doesn't do more then body weight, I'd suggest P90X. I did my own rotation alternating the two systems back in May and it was tough! But Awesome!
  • Jess0218
    Jess0218 Posts: 138
    Im with Karincakes! INSANITY ALL THE WAY!!!! :happy:
  • ash15nicole
    Thanks guys!!! This was really helpful! :) SO excited to start Insanity!

    another plus- i already own it :) haha