Exercises for the very unfit?



  • sus49
    sus49 Posts: 94 Member
    I've said it before and I will say it again. KEEP WALKING... WALK EVERYWHERE!!! A lumpy looking fellow I know retired and he started walking. He walked to the grocery store. He walked to friends' houses. He walked just to pass the time. Well three years later he was BUFF and I MEAN BUFF I could not believe my eyes! And he did it by walking! And he did it in his mid late sixties!

    The thing that >I< (and I think most of us on here) have come to learn is that getting thin and fit is not a quick process. It is a slow process and it is a lifelong process. Fast diets might work for awhile, but they do NOT work for long, they mess up your metabolism and they do not work at all as you age. Also people who lose weight quickly tend to gain it back.

    As you lose weight, more intense activity becomes easier. So slowly and gently increase the intensity as you are able.

    They have found that you can get a full cardio workout by running on the spot as fast as you can for 20 seconds/minute for three minutes. That means you do 40 seconds light jog then 20 seconds fast as you can and then repeat that 2 times in a total of 3 minutes.

    So be VERY PATIENT and PERSISTENT. Keep tracking, keep walking and keep loosing that 1 lb a week, because in a year that is 52 lbs!!! And in three years that is 156 lbs!
  • SteampunkSongbird
    SteampunkSongbird Posts: 826 Member
    The same kind of attitude can be used for jumping jacks.
    today I did a minute. Tomorrow, I'm going for a minute and 10 seconds. I OWN THESE JUMPING JACKS. JUMPING JACKS ALL DAY!

    Hahaha, brilliant. XD

    Thanks so much for the advice everyone, I love this community. I'll definitely increase my walks as much as possible, and I think I really do need to stop beating myself up over what seems like a tiny achievement considering how inactive I was up until very recently; a minute and a half of jogging may not be much, but it's more than I used to be able to do. I could possibly rustle up a fairly cheap set of simple weights to use in the house too. I'll try my hardest to put all this great advice to good use.

    I'm definitely not going to give up. I've tried and failed diets and plans several times, and this time feels different, it's not just a new diet, it's a better way of eating altogether, and with joining this site and logging everything carefully, I've actually lost some pounds for the first time. I'm determined to make my life better.