Favorite treadmill interval workouts

I'm trying to do 30-40 minute intervals on the treadmill, but I'm finding that they're either too easy or too hard. Does anyone have some favorites that they'd like to share?


  • MyCabbages
    MyCabbages Posts: 33
    I know a lot of treadmills allow you to change your intervals levels. I'm not sure if it will let you change the timing of them, but eh. You just have to be careful that you don't program your high and TOO fast!

    You could also do it manually.
  • marmain
    marmain Posts: 25 Member
    I do manual changes, which does require a bit of attention (and, yes, I still have to have notes to remember when to change! )

    Here's my breakdown:

    0-7 mins - build up to speed (warm-up)
    7-10 mins - at "regular" speed - i walk, so this is 4 mph for me
    10-13 mins - speed increase - about 4.2/4.3 mph for me
    13 -16 min - regular
    16-19 min - incline - I generally start with 20% and increase each time. This is while maintaining the 4.0 mph
    19-22 min - regular
    22-25 min - speed
    25-28 min - regular
    28-31 min - incline
    31-34 min - regular
    34 -37 min - push time incline PLUS speed increase
    37- 42 min - slow down speed (cool down)

    I generally pace around, after I'm off the treadmill, for a bit. So the cool down could increase if needed. I started doing intervals after I read something that said you can do ANYTHING for a minute. So, I tried it. It keeps me focused - which I like - and has helped to lift my bum - which I really like!
  • beckyboop712
    beckyboop712 Posts: 383 Member
    IF I have to do workouts on the treadmill, I do a mile warm-up at a comfortable pace (5.5) and then do 1/2 mile at a doable but challenging pace (5.8-6.0), 1/4 mile back at warm-up pace, and repeat for a couple miles and then do a 10 minute cool down. I try to do a bit of incline maybe 1-2%.
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    like, speed workouts? or hill workouts?

    for speed workouts, I do whatever i would do on the track or road (400m, 800m, 1 mile)

    My last hill workout for treadmill was 1.5 mile warm up/cool down at 1% incline, 4 x .5 mile @ 10% incline, w/ .25 mile recovery at 1% in between. I also did 9% and 8% different distances.

    warm up 1.5 miles @1%
    run .5 mile @10% (.75 miles @9%, 1 mile @8%)
    run .25 @1%
    run .5 mile @10% (.75 miles @9%, 1 mile @8%)
    run .25 @1%
    run .5 mile @10% (.75 miles @9%, 1 mile @8%)
    cool down 1.5 miles @1%
  • kvansanity
    kvansanity Posts: 108 Member
    Haha realized my question was phrased a little funny. I have no problem changing the speed, I've just found that some of the intervals I've found online say to do 8 mph sprints - which is definitely a little much for me!

    Thanks for some of the plans ya'll posted though. I'll have to try those out. I think I might avoid doing specific speeds and focus more on effort, something ya'll appear to be doing!
  • aldousmom
    aldousmom Posts: 382 Member
    I would assume people have their own pace charts for their speed work. What pace I'm running is irrelevant to what you might need to do, right?

    Here's how to find a pace chart for you for your speed work intervals.

    Yasso 800s are 800m, and speed form is 400m, the most common speed work distances.

    an ordinary work out might be (with warm up and cool down around your easy pace, or a little slower)

    warm up, 1 mile
    4x 400m at the speed form pace, with 100m at easy run or warm up pace in between
    cool down, 1 mile.