Anyone know of a good Dr's forum to post about blood test ?

cvcman Posts: 438 Member
I am looking for a forum where Dr's answer ? about blood work...Dont tell me to talk to my Dr I already have im just looking to see if others see numbers like these..

my numbers are;

HDL = 122

LDl direct = 93

Trigly.= 64

VLDL= 13

now i know normally these numbers are GREAT ,,,,but i had an LAD stent in a 98% blocked artery 4 yrs ago....I know they want the LDL under 70 in people with heart trouble but I assume because my good ( HDL ) is soooo high it may negate the higher LDL number ?


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    If you are looking for other people's numbers, why would you need a forum where doctor's answer questions?

    I mean, couldn't you ask people here about their blood work numbers?
  • SpencersHeart
    SpencersHeart Posts: 170 Member
    I'd be more cautious about getting information from a "doctor" online. Can you get a second opinion from a doctor in person?

    If $$$'s are an issue is there a Health Clinic close by that you could make an appointment?

    I've asked my doctor that exact question...HDL vs LDL because I have an inherited liver disease and my LDL is high but my HDL is higher. He told me they negate each other.

    So take this with a grain of salt but my best advice is to see someone face to face...fact to fact.

    Hope all goes well for you.:flowerforyou:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Since you don't want to hear to go to your doctor because you've already been, then I also suggest getting a second opinion from another real-life doctor. Anybody can be an internet doctor.