Starting to slack

Hello. I'm new to this site but prior to joining I managed to lose 40 pounds. Unfortunately I'm starting to lose my willpower and I can't figure out why. I'd love some advice. Right now I'm 5 pounds away from my ideal. I need to be better at staying on track.


  • poodlenoodlemuffin
    poodlenoodlemuffin Posts: 23 Member
    I think it's normal to get fatigued when you've been doing anything for a while. Just keep reminding yourself of the reasons you started in the first place and recognize that, even if getting to your goal might take longer than you would like, you will get there if you keep plugging away.

    Is it what you're eating or the exercise you're doing that's getting to you? Either way mixing up your routine might help make things more interesting. Variety is the spice of life etc etc!
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I did nearly the same thing and in hindsight I think it was because I didn't set a new goal for myself. Perhaps figure out a new goal for yourself (ex. focus on building muscle, competing in an upcoming fitness event, etc., rock a new outfit for an upcoming social event) When I reached my weight loss goal, I anticipated maintenance would be super easy. I actually struggled more with maintenance than I did with my diet because I didn't have that safety net of my daily deficit. I also didn't have a new "purpose" for my eating. In the end, I put on a few of the pounds I lost and am now back to re-lose them. When I get to the maintenance part this time, I will have a new goal or two for myself, so I keep my focus.
  • Moogann
    Moogann Posts: 10
    Thanks everyone for he advice! I think I will try adding exercise into my daily routine along with new foods I haven't tried.