Endomorph and macronutrients

Sweet_Pea4 Posts: 447 Member
I was reading somewhere that if your body type is more of a endomorphoc which I am. Then you macros should be around 10-20% carbs, 40% fat and rest protein. But not sure why the fat has got to be higher for fat loss??

Can someone clear this up please as I wouldnt want to put on anymore weight?


  • GhostdogX
    GhostdogX Posts: 5 Member
    Hi. you as endomorph dont tolerate carbs due bad insulin managment wich cause carbs turning to fat . Healty fats mono and multi sarurates comming from grape seed oil , coconut oil , linnen seed oil all nuts mostely almonds , coconut , walnuts , peanuts turning into pure energy helping ur body to burn ur body fat + reduce blood preasure and bad cholesterol thank to MCT . try to avoid mostely carbs like simple sugars , decrease carbs from 2 first meals - breakfast + lunch or reduce it to 0) listen to ur body and see.regards . Mick
  • cajuntank
    cajuntank Posts: 924 Member
    Somatotype dieting is pure bunk and has been proven many times as bunk, but it keeps floating around the Internet regardless.
    Basic nutrition info and figuring out ones calories and macros. Read this first, then post follow-up questions if you have any.
