Hiyas all x

Hiyas all I am new to MFP but not to dieting I have been on a diet since I was 8 live in South Wales and am now 43 still fat but fed up and fat, I have 11 stone to lose have joined every diet club under the sun currently in Weight Watchers but really would like to go down the route of exercise and healthy eating instead of counting points etc... I have lost 7 stone already but have gained and lost same 2 stone over and over for 2 years so going to make a start in the morning walking before work then go from there, any advice gratefully accepted I have a 7 year old son who I really want to stop following me and my eating habits before its too late... time for bed x


  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck on your journey ... not a diet. This site is a great resource. Feel free to add me if you need another member of your support team.