New and finally know what I want

Misslove36 Posts: 89 Member
I have been bouncing from weight watchers to slimming world to every plan I can find, I have now realised thus us where I need to be

I have 6stone to lose so any help is very much needed and welcome x


  • rebry331
    rebry331 Posts: 2
    Hello :)

    I am new here as well...

    I am aiming to lose about the same as you are. I have never tried any of those programs you referenced, but my sister is currently using a program with a nutritionist and she is doing pretty good so far.

    I like the way this site is set up, it functions quite well for me...

    Welcome and good luck!!

    I sent you a friend request :)
  • DrGM42
    DrGM42 Posts: 32 Member
    Good luck on your journey!!