
aledba Posts: 564 Member
Hi everyone! Just wanted to see if anyone could 'weigh-in'. I've started weight training with a PT recently. It's been very challenging and so much fun! After only 3 sessions and my own practicing, I can definitely see definition in my arms. The concern I have is that days later, I sometimes get painful twinges in my biceps/triceps and quads. Prior to starting to lift, I did yoga/pilates and cardio mostly, so I haven't experienced this before. I also am getting dark bruises here and there. I don't know if this is burst vessels or me having banged into something while working out and not realizing. Does or did anyone have similar 'pain' when they started lifting?


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Can you describe these pains a bit better? And the bruising is very very alarming. I recommend going to an Urgent Care or your GP if it continues.
  • dt3312
    dt3312 Posts: 212 Member
    Of course, ask your PT when you see him/her next.
    Perhaps you can give us a little more info:
    Where are the bruises?
    How big are they?
    How many do you have?
    From the location they are in, is it likely you banged them on something?

    Regarding the pain twinges...
    Are they real sharp? How long to do they last? Does heat or ice help? Are they very painful or just a little, on a scale of 0 to 10?

    I do Yoga, Pilates and strength training, but I have never experienced any of the symptoms you're describing. Please keep us updated about what you find out.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    The pain was reminiscent of childhood growing pains and went away after cold was applied and I did some stretching. Could it just be swollen muscles? The bruising I have brought to the attention of my doctor in prior months when I was starting heavier cardio workouts. He told me my anemia may present itself in this form but you're right, I ought to see him about it further as this is a new development. I was curious to see if others are bruising as easily as me.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    The pain was reminiscent of childhood growing pains and went away after cold was applied and I did some stretching. Could it just be swollen muscles? The bruising I have brought to the attention of my doctor in prior months when I was starting heavier cardio workouts. He told me my anemia may present itself in this form but you're right, I ought to see him about it further as this is a new development. I was curious to see if others are bruising as easily as me.

    I am not familiar with anemia, so I cannot comment on that at all.

    The other pain, would you describe it as a muscular pain? Ligament/tendon pain? Or like a bone pain?
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    One was on my inner leg on the thigh prior to my 1st session so likely unrelated. The other 2 bruises popped up 2 days after my last session and are on my left, outer quad and right bicep. They are maximum 1.5 inches in diameter. These are areas where I felt a lot of burn when I was working out. Oh yes! Ice helped immensely for the pain. It was definitely muscular.
  • jenniferpark01
    jenniferpark01 Posts: 34 Member
    I get mystery bruises on my legs too! For me, I think its when I using free weights for side and front laterals or something like that. I probably put them down too fast and smack my quads. It doesn't hurt at the time so I never think about it until a day or two later when I see the bruises appear.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I bruise easily- so even just bumping a rack will cause me to bruise.

    the pain twinges sound more like an issue- I would keep an eye on it- ask the PT for more form checks- and if its' not going away visit your GP.