How Long does it take to convert extra energy to fat?

albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
I know this may sound silly and ignoratn..Just hypothetically speaking, say I ate 4000 calories today, and I didn't burn all that for sure, how long does it take before all this extra is stored as fat?

The reason I ask is because I have seen so many people use running in the same day when they "overeat" to "burn off". Does it really work that way?



  • segovm
    segovm Posts: 512 Member
    I really have never seen a direct correlation like that. More often than not, if I spike my diet with a bomb like that I end up heavier for a few days right away (mostly because of water weight I would imagine) since it's more than the 4000 calories worth of mathematical gain I would expect.

    By the time the water weight is back to normal on my non-calorie bomb diet I've probably already worked off that specific pound of potential fat and maybe a little more with exercise.

    I don't think the idea of working out right after a big meal is completely insane though. Food is fuel when it comes right down to it and if you happen to need that specific type of fuel, in those quantities, right after you eat it, I would imagine the body would take it from its most readily available source. More likely than not though you won't need 4000 calories of anything for any given run...

    I'd still have the incidental weight gain though since most my calorie bombs would be laden with salt.