can you really over-do it ?

questions :

How long can you workout on the treadmill / or how long do you stay on it at a time ?

How many miles do you do at a time ? what are your goals mile wise ?

My thing is - if i have something interessting to watch i can stay on it as long as i can watch.. but can i over do it ? can i h urt myself ? I'm at 250 lbs.. but i'm feeling " ok -fit " I would not jog a lot - few minutes at a time- and other wise it's mostly just incline walking

I would like to know what you guys are doing mile wise- daily- and how long ?

Thank you


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I usually walk at 3.5mph at an incline and I walk usually for 30 minutes depending on the day. The other night I was watching BL and did this for 60 minutes and felt like I had over done it afterwards. I decided that 30 minutes is enough for me as I do other exercise besides this. I guess it just depends on how your body feels, how you're feeling. Nobody can really tell you when to stop or how fast/far to go. Some people on here can last for hours on a treadmill, others poop out after only a few minutes. It depends on your fitness, your body, your endurance, etc.

    Do what your body will allow you to do. When you're feeling weak, dizzy, tired, overdone, just STOP!! maybe move on to another exercise if you don't feel like you've done quite enough.
  • Beach_Chica
    I agree. When your body says, "WHOA!!!" Don't ignore it. Do what you're comfortable with. Last night, I was walking with a friend for like an hour and I didn't even realize it. I woke up this morning able to feel it, but it just means it's working. I love feeling refreshed. Almost feel ready to conquer the world. lol
  • ladybug91254
    ladybug91254 Posts: 232 Member
    I just recently wound up with a stress fracture on my foot and my doctor said it was most likely from increasing my exercise to quickly and stressing my foot that wasn't used to it. So I think the key is not so much how long you exercise but maybe building up gradually. Just my opinion. My mind and heart want to exercise now that I've gotten used to it but my stupid foot is not cooperating. I tried the gazelle last night for only 10 min and am paying for it this morning.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    they say make sure you don't overdo things, but your body is the one to listen to on that. If you are not hurting then don't worry about it. But on so many things you do for the first time, you might not be able to move the next day.

    So many think that every thing is written in stone. From how much you eat to how much you have to work out. As in all things, moderation is the best to follow, but your body knows what it needs and wants. We just have to learn to listen to it better.
  • mykaar74
    mykaar74 Posts: 253
    the most I ever do is an hour. on my treadmill at home, as on probably most they have the cardio, event training, and weightloss program and with all of them the most amount of time is 60 minutes depending on which program you pick. I always do the weightloss/fatburning program because they range in variation from 30 to 60 minutes and throughout the entire program it's constantly changing speeds and inclines (kinda like circuit training variations in intensity). I would just listen to my body though. Some days I can go on forever but somedays I feel like it's a struggle to get through just 30 minutes
  • pcw52
    pcw52 Posts: 26 Member
    You usually find out hours later or the next day if you over do it. If you are on the thing you need to check your heart rate and your BP. I have some health issues and my hands and my feet start to feel tingly like they are going to sleep. As they said listen to your body and respond to it. I even had a friend that was only about 15 lbs overweight and she started losing wt and something actually went wrong and she kept losing wt and had to have a doctor stablize. Yes, be careful.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    they say make sure you don't overdo things, but your body is the one to listen to on that. If you are not hurting then don't worry about it. But on so many things you do for the first time, you might not be able to move the next day.

    So many think that every thing is written in stone. From how much you eat to how much you have to work out. As in all things, moderation is the best to follow, but your body knows what it needs and wants. We just have to learn to listen to it better.

    I see on your ticker you have a 100 miles walk for month of october- and it looks like you did even more than that.
    That's amazing.

    So that's the type of thoughts i was hoping for- i wanted to know how many miles do other people do . And now seeing that some of you are doing a 100 miles a month.. i mean at least i know what i could challange myself with. If others can do it- so can i .. that's how i am :) If i see you doing 100 miles than.. i want to do it too.

    I like to know how many miles people do in a workout- ? In what amount of time ?
    I'm still strugling to get a 4 miles in 60 minutes , i don't know how good or bad that is ? because i have nothing to c ompare it with. I need to know what other people do time wise/ mile wise- so that i at least have something to compare it with.

    I know i can't compare myself with a 150 lbs person that is super fit. But with someone that is close to my weight in the 250 range - i would like to know what i can expect from myself - what other 250 lbs person is capable of doing ? Am i on target , am i doint too little - if i see that a 250 lbs person tells me they can do 4-5 miles in 60 minutes than i know it's " do-able " and i only have to make myself do it.

    I don't know how to explain.. i just need facts from others.. so i can compare and see where i'm at.

    Thank you ..