Periodic Exercise?

Periodic exercise is the only way I can describe what I'm talking about.

I was wondering. I have 2 kids at the house and hubby is working. I was wondering if I can manage to do 5 minutes of sit ups here, 2 minutes of pushups there, a minute or 2 or lunges here and there, if it would be feasable for me to total it all up at the end of the day and log it as one session. OR is splitting it up like that not as effective and wouldn't get the same calorie burning results?


  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    Well, you won't get the same calorie burn because your heart rate won't get up to a sustained level. I've been told several times that you need 30 minutes of sustained activity before you really hit the fat burning zone. That said, what you want to do is better than nothing and those are great toning activities that will make you stronger and look better.

    I don't know what your weather is like or how old your kids are but is it possible go on a bike ride or if your kids are really young, put them in a stroller and you walk? Do they nap? If so, you could get in some cardio during their nap time even if it's just jogging in place!
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Any thing and any time is great, as they all add up.

    for cardio, they say to do at least 10 min with out stopping but I wouldn't worry about it. The main thing is, you do what you can when you can. It is all these little things we do that can make the biggest different. Don't let any one tell you different.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Well, you won't get the same calorie burn because your heart rate won't get up to a sustained level. I've been told several times that you need 30 minutes of sustained activity before you really hit the fat burning zone. That said, what you want to do is better than nothing and those are great toning activities that will make you stronger and look better.

    I don't know what your weather is like or how old your kids are but is it possible go on a bike ride or if your kids are really young, put them in a stroller and you walk? Do they nap? If so, you could get in some cardio during their nap time even if it's just jogging in place!

    I usually do a workout vid when they nap at noon, but today I vowed to myself that I was going to nap when they do, just for today because yesterday was really hectic and stressful and I think a nap would do me some good.

    It's FREEZING outside!!! lololol. My kids are 6 and 2. So, if I do these things throughout the day, should I just not log them?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,427 Member
    I would definitely nap then! Listen to your body. I would also log each bit of exercise you do because it will add up. It's not like your saying "oh, I changed a diaper, I'll add that"! It's true toning work. Do you have stairs? I will run up and down our stairs a bunch if I can't get to the gym. Tends to kill my knees though!
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Or should I log it under strength?

    I could do the stairs!!!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Our trainer conducted nutrition class Wed. night and spoke to this very topic. Quoting from some of her materials:
    "Long steady work is the most common type of exercise done. The American College of Sports Medicine and American Heart Association recommends:
    *Minimum 30 minutes of moderate intensity activity
    *May break into 10-minute intervals throughout day

    For weight loss: 45-60 minutes of total exercise

    And I found this helpful because I realized I wasn't always doing it. Breathe OUT while doing first part of movement, breathe in on return. If you hold your breath you will cause increased pressure inside your body, which slows the pulse and decreases the return of blood to the heart. You could pass out! (Well, yeah! LOL!)
    Rest 1-2 minutes between sets.

    And then this: Exercise does not have to be "exercise."
    Calories burned in 30 minutes for the following:
    Laundry=56 calories
    Bathing dog=97 calories
    Vacuuming=97 calories
    Mowing lawn (push mower)=167 calories
    Dancing=125 calories

    Multiple short sessions are just as beneficial as one long one.
    (I was glad to read that!)

    Hope this helps.