Insanity... Is it just me?

I've just finished week 2 of month 2, so 2 weeks left.
I haven't missed a day yet( can't believe I've got this far)
I've only lost about 8lb but definately lost inches and am a lot fitter.
I've found the last couple of workouts, even core balance I am sweating more than ever.
Has this happened to any one else, I thought I couldn't sweat more than I did in week 1!
I'm hoping it's a good sign and I 'll lose some pounds, my diet isn't great don't massively over eat my calories but far to often swap food calories for beer!
I don't think I'm working out any harder, maybe I'm stronger and fitter and not realising that I am working harder... Does that make sense.
What do you think?


  • rogerOb1
    rogerOb1 Posts: 318 Member
    I guess you'll know when you do your next fit test!

    Some of the month 2 tapes are definitely longer, tho
  • TheAmbitionist
    Yeah take the fit test as a great.. well.. test. I only lost about 6 lbs doing Insanity the first time around (I've done it twice) but my stamina had improved immensely and I got stronger also. If your form is great on each and every exercise and you're not taking too many breaks and you are going hard - your fitness should be improving a lot!
  • theoden524
    theoden524 Posts: 26
    Congrats! I'm about to start Month 2 myself tomorrow. It might just be that you're able to push yourself that much harder, so you can get a lot more reps in. Even the people in the video and Shaun T have to take breaks and are sweating, and they've obviously done this more than a few times!

    Keep going! And if in doubt, check in with your coach for support :smile:

    - Matt
  • Paizzaz
    Paizzaz Posts: 33
    I read once that sweating more is a sign of fitness. Like if two people roughly the same size do the same workout the one in better shape sweats more. I have no idea of its true or not and it seems to me like there are an awful lot of variables to account for but it could make sense.
  • wifeymou1112
    wifeymou1112 Posts: 129 Member
    I definitely have sweated more doing core cardio and balance than before?! I think maybe we are sweating more than we expect to because we're not running around as much like normal but still getting work done! Oh my goodness shoulder burners!! Ouch!

    Starting Month 2 today.. Yikes!

    Not only do I sweat I go bright red all over. Not a good look haha
  • maQmIgh
    maQmIgh Posts: 236 Member
    I love reading these responses... Im on week 4 of Month one.... Kinda really looking forward to Month 2.. But dreading it at the same time lol

    Im not sure if sweating more is actually a sign of being fitter than before or just a sign of dehydrating more (can never work that out)

    Good luck to you all with completing the program :)