

I am struggling with Breakfast. I am the type that has to eat something that sticks to me in the morning. I have to eat within an hour of me getting up or I start to feel sick on my stomach:sick: . Can anyone suggest some healthy breakfast solutions? I currently eat pancakes and I know that isn't good for me when I am trying to lose weight. Breakfast for me is the hardest meal to come up with. I love all the wrong things, cereal, pancakes, livermush ( southern thing) I don't really like eggs or bacon to much. Oatmeal has to be cooked a certain way or it will make me gag. I am such a picky eater. Can anyone suggest anything....:cry:


  • NancyKhuu
    NancyKhuu Posts: 87 Member
    How about soup in the morning? I know it sounds strange but it feels me up a lot longer than other denser food.
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    For breakfast, I have been eating:

    Beans on toast (toast by itself is too quick release)
    Yoghurt with oats and/or an apple/grapes/banana etc

    Haven't yet thought of anything else!
  • IHateThinkingOfAUsername
    Every morning I have branflakes, wheatabix, and dried fruit with skimmed milk. :)
  • rbiss
    rbiss Posts: 422 Member
    I would just choose something with a good amount of protein and get in some fiber. That will help make it last. If you don't like breakfast foods, then don't eat breakfast foods. Eat whatever you want that will keep you satisfied. If that is tacos at 5am, then eat tacos.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Leftovers or something you'd make at dinner?
  • riffraff2112
    riffraff2112 Posts: 1,757 Member
    I have liquid egg whites, with some turkey breast deli meat thrown in there for some added protein and taste. Usually on one slice of rye bread. Every morning, day in day out. I love eggs, so it is not a sacrifice for me to eat the same thing everyday. Its very filling, and I know it is the perfect start to the day.
    Sorry if its not very helpful to ya, Especially since you said you aren't a big egg fan. Maybe give them a try again.
    An omelette can be filled with many yummy choices, making it filling and nutritious. Pretty easy to make too!
  • pensierobello
    pensierobello Posts: 285 Member
    You also want something slow-release (so if you're having a carb, combine it with protein). Otherwise you'll get hungry super-fast. My exercise therapist told me that at the moment I should cut out cereal for breakfast, because it just doesn't keep you full (porridge is fine), and find other options.
  • Billybegood
    Billybegood Posts: 32 Member
    I always have two slices of whole meal toast with peanut butter and then a banana about 11am. On odds mornings if I don't have access to a toaster I'll have one of the ready packed cereal boxes, the 40g size ones.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Get some good quality bread - something with seeds in for a bit of extra protein and taste.

    Find some good toppings that you can put on a slice of toast - guacamole, humous, cottage cheese, peanut butter. Ring the changes so you dont get bored.
  • Parline25
    Parline25 Posts: 2
    My problem is I skip breakfast:noway:
  • _L_A_
    _L_A_ Posts: 170 Member
    I have 150g of low fat cottage cheese, 20g bran flakes, 10-20g dried apple and 10-20g fruit and nut mix (sultanas, almonds, peanuts) plus a sprinkling of sweetener. It comes to 250-300kcal and is high in protein because of the cottage cheese. Sometimes I have a small banana instead of the dried apple. I also change the ratio of bran flakes, apple and fruit and nut depending on what I feel like but try and keep it under 325kcal maximum, it's usually 275kcal. I find it really filling :)
  • tryett
    tryett Posts: 530 Member
    One of my favorites is a bagel thin with leftover grilled steak and some allouette spreadable cheese. I also make really thick protein smoothies with fruit and ice ( thick so I have to eat them with a spoon) . Oatmeal with a cut up Apple and some walnuts is also good. A turkey sandwich is also great ( on multi grain sandwich thins). I like either laughing cow or allouette cheese with that also.
  • CatWhispererrrr
    CatWhispererrrr Posts: 28 Member
    I used to struggle BIG time with breakfast!! I know just how you feel! Now I do a shake in the morning, and I am completely addicted! I add a banana, spinach or kale, chia seeds, 0% greek yogurt for protein, and whatever fruit I have on hand, or frozen berries. Its such a refreshing way to start the day!! and generally runs about 300 calories. If I know it will be a while before my next meal or snack, I have a slice of 12 grain toast with a hard boiled egg, or some peanut butter!

    Put that in a nutribullet or blender and its a perfect breakfast!!!
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    There are no wrong things unless you have a medical condition where you need to limit/reduce/eliminate certain foods. Eating cereal and pancakes for breakfast will not prevent you from losing weight. If those are the things you like, teach yourself how to enjoy them in moderation, log the calories accurately and stay within your goals. The other day I had a butterfinger for breakfast. I often eat something sweet and get most of my calories from carbs. I have lost 46lbs so far.

    Thursday I had a milkshake:

    Last week I had snickers AND skittles:

    Yes, it is important to make sure you're getting enough protein and enough vitamins from vegetables, but there is no food that will prevent weight loss or cause weight gain if you are eating fewer calories than your current weight requires (caloric deficit). I suggest doing some research into IIFYM (if it fits your macros).

    BTW. . . totally making some pancakes for breakfast this morning now. :wink:
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    My usual go to breakfast is a two egg omelet with peppers, onions, and ham. On the side I have 4 or 5 grape tomatoes and a ring of fresh pineapple. Now that I have figured out how to make omelets without burning or breaking them, I get the eggs going and slice up the tomatoes and pineapple while it cooks. Total time is not more than 10 minutes and keeps me full straight on through until lunch.

    ETA: I missed the part where you don't really like eggs... what about egg whites?
  • mitranoca
    mitranoca Posts: 1
    You could try banana pancakes. They are really easy and only take three ingredients: bananas, eggs, and a little baking powder. Here is a link to the recipe if you want more details:
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    Honestly if I wanted to be full and knew I had an active day ahead, I'd cook 5 minute oatmeal made with water, dash of cinnamon, dice an apple into it, 1 tbsp. of walnuts, sweetened almond milk.

    But you said you're iffy on oatmeal so this is usually what I have which is semi filling. Or at least I can last from 8am to 11 or so without getting starved:

    1 c Kashi go lean
    1 c unsweetened almond milk
    1 banana cut up

    Edit for spelling fail
  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    I like protein in the morning - if you don't like eggs how a turkey bacon and tomato sandwich on a nice grainy bread?

    When I'm in a hurry I eat fruit and yogurt - you could add some granola or nuts to your yogurt.

    If all else fails eat leftovers as someone else suggested.
  • Braincatcher
    Braincatcher Posts: 66 Member
    A good balance of protein, carbs/fiber, and a bit of fat will keep you full. Dave's Killer Bread packs 6 grams of protein and 5 grams of fiber per slice, so I have two of those with peanut or almond butter and a banana. You can make a good bread like that into French toast--just make an egg or soy milk batter without any sugar and grill. If you like pancakes, there's nothing wrong with them. Go with whole-grain versions, perhaps, and see if you can get some protein in there. You can sub the oil for peanut butter or add some protein powder. Top with all-fruit jam to cut a bit of the sugar.
  • allaboutthecake
    allaboutthecake Posts: 1,533 Member
    I like pancakes too. I added Trutein Cinnabon Protein Powder to the batter, along with 2-3oz of Fage 0% yogurt (gives it that "buttermilk" tang), and a generous dose of cinnamon. Its what keeps me full on long endurance bike rides, hills, headwinds, and otherwise.


    macros: kcal: 286; Carb: 20; Fat: 5; Protein: 50

    I don't get the carb-crash on just a regular pancake batter recipe now, either. And that's a plus in my book .

    (& depending on the planned bike ride, I'll up the calorie count with honey, real butter, & fruit. Sometimes Walden Farms syrup.)