Making the Small wise voice louder?

Okay, so I am still struggling. So of course, like always, I want to reinvent the wheel, treat it like everything I am doing is wrong, I must be wrong! A small quiet, shy, voice in my head knows that isn't true. That small quiet voice knows I need to have WAY more water, vegtables and fruit. My small quiet voice knows I need to keep it to 1 or 2 bread servings and learn to take digestive enyzemes at every meal. The big loud part of me whines "I don't know how? It's too hard! I don't want to!" How do I build up that small shy voice to remind and reassure me of the right choices everyday, every meal? And even bigger question is why do I struggle to see that she is me?


  • Hell_Flower
    Hell_Flower Posts: 348 Member
    Just habit I think.

    Once you've pushed through, you just get into the habit of doing it. And then once you start feeling the benefits it's not so hard. Give it a month. It gets easier :)

    I also find it helps not to keep snacks (chocolate, crisps etc) in the house. If I have to make a concious effort to actually go down to the shops to buy myself a Mars Bar, odds are I won't bother and I'll go for a banana or the strawberries I keep about.
  • maryke22
    maryke22 Posts: 15 Member
    Thank you for the support! I appreciate it
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    I whole heartedly agree. It's about making it a daily habit and puttin distance between yourself and temptation so you don't have to constantly be faced with resisting it.

    I also think you may be being a bit tough on yourself with the "reinvent the wheel" philopsphy. To trade one idiom for another - Rome also wasn't built in a day. To change everything all at once is too much for a person to handle and you will start to feel overwhelmed and discouraged. Try picking one new area of your life each week to devote the following week to improving. Maybe one week you vow to take more steps per day, the next week may be about changing your mental self image. Small changes over the course of time allow your body to get used to the new lifestyle without even realizing that much is changing.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • maryke22
    maryke22 Posts: 15 Member
    I think you are right I am being hard on myself. I will try breaking goals into smaller chunks than trying to change everything at once! I really appreciate you taking the time to reply! Wishing you success in your journey!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Thank you for saying this out loud!