Renewed Committment!

Hello all!

I've been on MFP for maaaaaaany many years, but usually as a secondary tool for looking up calories, that sort of thing. I'm starting over this summer and am committed to making a lifelong commitment to healthy eating and fitness!

Something that's very frustrating for me looking back is that I have struggled with unhealthy restrictive diets since my early teens - going so far as to limit myself to only a few hundred calories per day. However, it wasn't until my mid twenties that I was actually an unhealthy weight!! I was just dealing with all these social pressures to be incredibly thin, never realizing that I already was perfectly healthy. Looking back, I just want to take that girl by the shoulders and yell at her!! "YOU ARE SO THIN!!" Unfortunately, that girl is gone, and the only thing I can do is put in the work today to get her back!

Sadly the last few years of my journey with health and wellness have been plagued by binge eating disorder. I sometimes hate talking about this because so many people still don't understand this complicated disorder. Overcoming BED is a daily challenge for me and something I work on with a physician and a counselor. It's incredibly frustrating to hear it compared to someone eating a second piece of cake on occasion or splurging on that third slice of pizza. Anyway - that's a soapbox for another time!!

Things about me that don't involve food! Well, I'm a medical student, which is huge driving force in what drives me to live a healthy lifestyle and shed this extra weight. Who wants to be told to lose weight by an obese physician? Not me, that's for sure. I want to be an example for my future patients, and hopefully by reaching the finish line of my journey, I can serve as a good example, not a cautionary tale. School takes up a huge amount of my time, but when I'm not in class or studying, I love to hike and be outside, particularly when it's as lovely outside as it is this time of year! I have an adorable dog who I like to spoil and some amazing friends who are incredibly supportive of my health journey.

Well, thanks for reading, everyone who got to the end of this!


  • LazSommer
    LazSommer Posts: 1,851 Member
    Not going to lie - I only skimmed and saw that you had a dog.
  • ChronicOptimist
    ChronicOptimist Posts: 558 Member
    Not going to lie - I only skimmed and saw that you had a dog.

    That was the most important part.