Knee pain

I'm training for a 5K (3 weeks away). I've been running since January. I was running 2 or 2.5 miles about 3 times per week until yesterday when I did my first 3 mile run. My knee usually starts hurting around the 2nd mile, but I run through it. Then I ice it and rest a day before running again.

I tried running again today and I only made it about half a mile before my knee pain was so bad that I had to turn around and walk home. It's always my right knee on the outside of the knee cap. I know I should invest in a better pair of shoes, but aside from that, what can I do? I'm already icing and stretching. Should I get a knee brace? It seems frivolous to go to a doctor about this when I probably need to just get into better running shape.


  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    Be on the safe side and get it looked at. It may be minor and it may not. Last thing you want to do is find out you've been working out with a torn ligament, or meniscus.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Miljos
    Miljos Posts: 6
    A "better running shape" means increased cardioresp endurance, not indestructible knee caps. On the contrary, they will be more used. That's the only logical route, they won't get younger. Which is why you have to be careful with them and minimise - you can't avoid it altogether - the impact on your articulations. Buy that decent pair of shoes ASAP, you're already 5 months late. Adequate gear is the first step when taking on a new sport.

    If you have problems, go to your doctor. Don't wait to see if the problem grows enough to need a surgeon. That kind of health bet never pays off.
  • rdrage73
    rdrage73 Posts: 17 Member
    iliotibial Band Syndrome, or ITB syndrome? Can be helped with stretching and foam rolling. knee cap tracking issues? Physical therapy will most likely be needed.
  • ReluctantDieter88
    ReluctantDieter88 Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the responses. Miljos - your comment encouraged me to suck it up and buy the shoes. Hopefully they'll make a difference!