Please Critique My 3 Day Full Body Dumbbell Routine

I'm 35 years old 5ft 11in and 151 lbs. I've been lifting for 1 1/2 months so far. I started with a similar routine to the one below for 2 weeks then tried a 4 day split for two weeks. I love working out the extra day but a 4 day split only hits each muscle group once a week and I feel this is very inefficient seeing how I'm putting on muscle easily at this early in the game (noob gains). I have a bench and 90lb selectable dumbbells. Gym isn't an option. Here is what I'm thinking of starting next week.

Week 1- Tue-Routine A
Thu-Routine B
Sat-Routine A

Week 2-Tue-Routine B
Thu-Routine A
Sat-Routine B

Routine A:

Squat - 12x3
Lunges- 8x3
Bent Over Row - 12x3
Inc Bench Press - 8x3
Flys - 12x3
Arnold Press - 8x3
Bench Dip - 3 sets until failure
Skullcrushers- 12x3
Plank - 3 sets until failure

Routine B:

Deadlift- 12x3
Stand Calf Raise- 12x3
Bench Press- 8x3
Pushups With Feet Elevated -3 sets until failure
Shoulder Press- 8x3
Lateral Raise- 12x3
Bicep Curl- 8x3
Concentration Curl - 12x3
Ab Wheel- 10x3

Thanks in advance!