I can't eat more than 1200 calories..??

I was put on Wellbutrin for Postpartum Depression/anxiety about 2 weeks ago and I swear to God..I can NOT eat more than 1200 calories NO MATTER WHAT. I even have to stuff myself to eat that much..it's a horrible chore. I have been doing T25, so I know I need more food. I'm 5"4 and 146. I asked my doctor and he said appetite suppression is a normal side effect and will subside in a month or two. I feel fine other wise. I just do not want to eat, ever. Is this going to affect my weight loss at all? I don't want my body to go into starvation mode on me and screw up my progress. Any thoughts?? I have worked soooo hard and really want to continue to progress.


  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
    Could try adding in a shake with blended up fruit,oats, etc. To get in more calories
  • wertgirlfor
    wertgirlfor Posts: 161 Member
    try adding low density and high calorie foods like olive oil or full fat butter in when you're cooking. also maybe try shakes/high calorie drink since they usually don't fill people up as much as big meals.
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    First, starvation mode in the way you're thinking is a myth.

    Second you can add calorie dense foods like peanut butter, ice cream, whole fat dairy, oils, etc. to your diet so you're adding calories without adding a lot of volume until your appetite comes back. If after a month your appetite still hasn't returned to normal call your doctor about changing to a different medication that does not have that side effect. And you can always lighten up on the exercise if you have to.

    Congratulations on the baby and good luck.
  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    Eat as much as you can and I think it will be okay. Also you can try to add foods higher in calories like avocados, EVO, nuts, full fat yogurt/milk etc.
  • suremeansyes
    suremeansyes Posts: 962 Member
    Peanut butter and ice cream.

    Peanut butter ice cream.
  • owieprone
    owieprone Posts: 217 Member
    that sounds horrible :( hope it dissipates soon.

    if you like milkshakes, definately try having protein shakes to boost your intake, it won't seem like you're eating and will keep you hydrated also. even normal milkshakes from McD's will help up your calories if you're just worried about eating enough calories to keep your energy up then as long as you can eat it without feeling like you're forcing yourself - eat it.

    you could also try alternative ingredients for things that pack more nutrients in so the amount you eat has more beneficial effects than the usual ones you have, for instance.

    1 banana
    2 eggs
    1 tbsp ground flax seed (linseed)
    1 tbsp protein powder (flavoured or not), or a tbsp of flour if you don't have protein powder
    blend until smooth
    and use as you would normal pancake batter, have with whatever you normally have, guarantee that it isn't overly banana tasting! i have a small 6" frying pan and it makes 2, they're pretty filling, so you can always save the other one for later or the next day.

    1 banana - cut into coins - freeze for a few hours (2 ish should do) (you can do this when they're on the turn, then let them defrost abit when your in the mood for icecream);
    1 tbsp peanut butter and as much full fat greek yoghurt as you feel it needs (flavoured or not) i find 2 tbsp work well
    blend to smooth, stick in fridge to set abit, say 20-30 mins to make it nice and cool
    you can add any sauce or berries or whatever you normally have to up the calories and nutrients again.
    You can do this without PB also, but i prefer it with, you could probably use an alternative like almond butter etc.
    it's very rich and creamy so pretty filling, you don't need to eat much to feel satisfied.

    avocados go great in chilli, we also add in wilted (or frozen) spinach.

    hope that helps.