General diet question -- plus HELP AFTER CHEATING!

bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
Hi all,

I have really been struggling with my diet and weight. I had done really well on MFP, and then had a few cheat days and feel like I gained weight in a few days. I'd been legal and went back down a few pounds, and yesterday had a binge day. I know, bad move, and I kept telling myself to stop eating. I just got discouraged and went crazy. A LOT of peanut butter, chips/salsa, just too much food. And I gained 4lbs today!!! I know it's not actual fat, but some water weight (esp. since I should be getting my period any day now).

Do you guys think I should eat at a calorie deficit for the next few days to bring my weight down, or just get back on track with my normal value? A while ago I was doing 1200cals/day, but thought I may cheat every once and I while on that because it was too low so now I'm at around 1350cals/day. I am trying to lose 12lbs and just have to commit to a consistent lifestyle, I just seem to have no motivation. Any advice is greatly appreciated :)


  • kcmcd
    kcmcd Posts: 239 Member
    Brush it off, go back to normal, and drink some more water. :)

    PMS week brings low willpower for me, too. But then things get back on track.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    Take it as a bad day and jump back on the wagon train...its going to skinnyville...
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    okay, thank you! hate this time of the month -_-
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Take it as a bad day and jump back on the wagon train...its going to skinnyville...

    haha well said!
  • Watermelon_Crush
    Watermelon_Crush Posts: 170 Member
    Just go back to normal cals, don't try and go lower. You don't want to put pressure on yourself to eat even less cals, cos you might end up cracking with that pressure and over eating again.

    Maybe the binge was because you're approaching the time of the month? Maybe it's worth taking note if your craving to binge happens at the same time next month as well.

    If that turns out to be the case....forewarned is forearmed! LOL You'll know for the future to get some lower calorie, smaller portion snacks in and don't have the bad things in the house at that time of the month. Then, if you do get the munchies, it might be just an extra 300 cals than say, 1000.

    Whatever you do, don't let a bad day turn into two bad days, or a bad week. It was just one day, so forgive yourself, peace and love, and back on the straight and narrow!

    I've said this elsewhere, so sorry to bore you if you've already read it, but the mantra I use to help myself if I'm tempted to slip up or do slip up is:

    Don't turn a bad week into a bad month.
    Don't turn a bad day into a bad week.
    Don't turn a bad hour into a bad day.
    Don't turn a bad meal into a bad hour.

    All the best :) Keep pushing!
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    Yeah, the week of my period, I don't even bother weighing myself. Seriously, I can "gain" up to seven or eight pounds that week just through water retention, and it's not worth freaking out over. I shrug my shoulders, try to stick to my deficit but don't kick my own *kitten* if I go over, try to squish in an extra zumba session and get back to normal the next week. It never throws me off by more than a day or two in the long run, and it's worth it to treat myself well and not treat weight loss like an obsession.

    Plus, you know, chocolate.
  • kinmoratree
    kinmoratree Posts: 125 Member
    I agree with everyone above. Don't punish yourself by cutting your calories more. That's just a gateway to disordered eating. Go back to your regularly planned calories and move on.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Just go back to normal cals, don't try and go lower. You don't want to put pressure on yourself to eat even less cals, cos you might end up cracking with that pressure and over eating again.

    Maybe the binge was because you're approaching the time of the month? Maybe it's worth taking note if your craving to binge happens at the same time next month as well.

    If that turns out to be the case....forewarned is forearmed! LOL You'll know for the future to get some lower calorie, smaller portion snacks in and don't have the bad things in the house at that time of the month. Then, if you do get the munchies, it might be just an extra 300 cals than say, 1000.

    Whatever you do, don't let a bad day turn into two bad days, or a bad week. It was just one day, so forgive yourself, peace and love, and back on the straight and narrow!

    I've said this elsewhere, so sorry to bore you if you've already read it, but the mantra I use to help myself if I'm tempted to slip up or do slip up is:

    Don't turn a bad week into a bad month.
    Don't turn a bad day into a bad week.
    Don't turn a bad hour into a bad day.
    Don't turn a bad meal into a bad hour.

    All the best :) Keep pushing!

    I hadn't read that from you before, but I love it! Thanks so much. That has been my exact problem - letting a bad meal become a bad day, and then a bad two days... exactly what I needed to hear right now. New life motto :) Thanks again!
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    Yeah, the week of my period, I don't even bother weighing myself. Seriously, I can "gain" up to seven or eight pounds that week just through water retention, and it's not worth freaking out over. I shrug my shoulders, try to stick to my deficit but don't kick my own *kitten* if I go over, try to squish in an extra zumba session and get back to normal the next week. It never throws me off by more than a day or two in the long run, and it's worth it to treat myself well and not treat weight loss like an obsession.

    Plus, you know, chocolate.

    that's a great idea. I should probably stay away from the scale for a few days and just stick to my eating plan. Weighing too often will just drive me crazy and make me obsess. Thanks a bunch
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with everyone above. Don't punish yourself by cutting your calories more. That's just a gateway to disordered eating. Go back to your regularly planned calories and move on.

    Thank you, looks like there's a consensus! :)
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    Don't give up on yourself, you deserve it.
  • bvar1
    bvar1 Posts: 48 Member
    thank you :)