Ten reasons WHY you want to lose weight/be healthy!



    ROBINSTL67 Posts: 50 Member
    1. To age gracefully.
    2. To avoid lifestyle related illnesses.
    3. To feel stronger and more energetic.
    4. To look better in clothes.
    5. To look better out of clothes.
    6. To not be ashamed to wear a bathing suit.
    7. To be ok with appearing in photos.
    8. To believe my husband when he tells me I'm hot.
    9. To be able to do any sort of activity I choose.
    10. To be a good example to our kids.
  • Cycle4Life99
    1. To be a better person, friend, and lover to my special lady.
    2. To cycle across the continent.
    3. To live a physically healthier life.
    4. To have more enjoyment out of every aspect of life.
    5. For the more vain: I like wearing tuxedos and I want to be able to rock one for my woman's award ceremony in October.
    6. For my family whom care about and believe in me.
    7. To be the master of food instead of ruled by it.
    8. To not have to shop at Fat Clothier, Inc.
    9. To be able to fit in an airline/movie theater seat.
    10. To help others along the way.
  • wellbur
    wellbur Posts: 240 Member
    My 10 reasons are:
    1. Feel better about myself
    2. Feel nice in my clothes
    3. Have more energy
    4. Fit into my summer clothes when i was 1 stone lighter
    5. Receive complaiments
    6. Like to reflection in the mirroe
    7. For my husband to be proud to be with me
    8. Look good in my bikini
    9. Make sure i have a healthy lifestyle
    10. Just for me
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    1. Healthcare in the U.S. is very expensive and I can't afford to get diseases that I know I can prevent by being fit and healthy.

    That's really the only reason for me.
  • JonathanJ1996
    JonathanJ1996 Posts: 8 Member
    seems like your main motivation to lose weight is to look good, in my opinion superficial reasons to lose weight/be healthy are not ideal for a sustainable healthy lifestyle
  • Cashewtheguineapig
    Cashewtheguineapig Posts: 11 Member
    1. To be at a healthy weight to have kids. Being at the ideal weight for pregnancy, to be fit enough to deal with the psychical challenges of being a parent and to be a healthy role model.

    2. To enjoy making babies! to feel sexy and enjoy being intimate, not to be always trying to control how my partner touches me because there's parts of my body I don't like.

    3. To be able to move on with my life. Being self conscious about gaining weight is a drain on energy, I should have better things to think about, so rather than dwelling on it and feeling ashamed I want to fix it!

    4. To feel in control of my body, I want to show my body respect by maintaining it well rather than trashing it with poor food/lifestyle choices.

    5. To change how I handle my emotions and be strong enough to deal with the causes of my unhappiness rather than trying to get a quick fix with food.

    6. For my size not to be the first thing people see when they meet me. If someone was giving a visual description I wouldn't want overweight/fat to be in the top 3 things they'd mention!

    7. To be able to take my best friend up on the offer to go wedding dress shopping, and not to feel too embarrassed to try stuff on!

    8. To change how I handle my emotions and be strong enough to deal with the causes of my unhappiness rather than trying to get a quick fix with food.

    9. To enjoy food, to cook and eat together rather than getting takeaways

    10. To help my partner stay healthy so we can both have longer and happier lives.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,220 MFP Moderator
    1. Heart disease runs in my family and I don't want it.
    2. Diabetes runs in my family, and I don't want that either.
    3. I love running, and I can't do that very well if I'm overweight.
    4. I want to be able to keep up with my kids.
    5. I want to feel as comfortable OUT of my clothes as I am in them.
    6. I want to live to see my grandchildren (hopefully at LEAST 10 years away)
    7. I want to buy and wear the cute clothes.
    8. Some day I want to wear a two piece again (need the pregnancy stretch marks to fade a little more).
    9. I want to feel better than I did when I was eating ALL the food ALL the time.
    10. I want to fit more comfortably in airplane seats. :)
  • Scremoshells
    Gonna try this out.

    1. I firstly want to be a healthier and more athletic person
    2. To get my body baby ready since we are planning on having kids next year!
    3. To be able to keep up with my kids when I do have them :)
    4. I want to be a hot mom not a chubby one
    5. To look hot for my husband
    6. Feel more confident and love the way I look in a mirror
    7. I want to loose weight to try and avoid all those preventable diseases
    8. Lower my chances of getting cancer or heart disease!!!!
    9. I want to blow people away at my high school reunion
    10. Last but most importantly to live a long and healthy life <3

    So some of my reasons are vain, and some of my reasons are for health. I liked doing this :)
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Hmm, I'm not sure I have ten reasons, but here goes:

    1. To remain healthy
    2. To (hopefully) not have to take daily medications
    3. Energy
    4. To see my grandchildren's children
    5. To not have to rely on others to do thing for me or care for me.
    6. I hate hospitals
    7. To look good.
  • Zohar94
    Zohar94 Posts: 25 Member
    good question!

    1. to look better
    2. to be able to get kids in a healthy way
    3. to not get diabetes/hartdeseases like lots of my family.
    4. to feel more confident about my body
    5. to feel sexy
    6. to be better able to walk long distances/climb things etc.
    7. make my boyfriend + family proud
    8. make myself proud
    9. to become stronger
    10. to generaly be healthier and fitter.
  • fhorn813
    fhorn813 Posts: 163 Member
    This should be somewhere on our home page!

    1. My blood work came back great this last time. I want to keep it that way.
    2. Provide a healthy example for my two boys so they understand nutrition as they grow.
    3. Provide motivation by example to my parents and husband.
    4. Fit into smaller clothes. I'm no fashion expert, but I'm getting tired of jeans and overly large shirts.
    5. Have the ability to run a 5k without trying to hard. I'm at 1.5 miles so far.
    6. Have more endurance in general. I'm tired of being tired.
    7. Lower my risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. We all have to go someday. But I'd rather not be the cause of it.
    8. Get a better immune system through eating the right foods.
    9. Not feel like the "fat one" when I go out with friends or visit family.
    10. Have more confidence in general. Even 20 lbs down I've already noticed I walk a bit more confidently and try to hide less.