I need help!!!! asap

I am very new to this if my calorie goal is 2130 how do I go about reaching this goal without over eating please feel free to add me and view my dairy.


  • litchfieldd
    litchfieldd Posts: 43 Member
    Not sure if you are saying the goal is hard to reach or too easy to go over! If its more the latter then providing you log as you go through the day, you can of course stop once you reach it! But to avoid getting too hungry try planning the day ahead. Split your calories across a number of meals depending what suits you best e.g. whether you like a big breakfast or not etc.

    Everyone's going to be different so best to experiment and see what's best for you. Personally it depends on what my exercise plans are but generally I spread my calories across a decent breakfast, small lunch, big dinner, and a snack or too.
  • Not sure if you are saying the goal is hard to reach or too easy to go over! If its more the latter then providing you log as you go through the day, you can of course stop once you reach it! But to avoid getting too hungry try planning the day ahead. Split your calories across a number of meals depending what suits you best e.g. whether you like a big breakfast or not etc.

    Everyone's going to be different so best to experiment and see what's best for you. Personally it depends on what my exercise plans are but generally I spread my calories across a decent breakfast, small lunch, big dinner, and a snack or too.

    Hard time with reaching my calorie goal daily
  • Sidpandy
    Sidpandy Posts: 14 Member
    Don't eat ****e, put it before you eat and think is that acceptable
  • NotJustADieter
    NotJustADieter Posts: 229 Member
    Not sure if you are saying the goal is hard to reach or too easy to go over! If its more the latter then providing you log as you go through the day, you can of course stop once you reach it! But to avoid getting too hungry try planning the day ahead. Split your calories across a number of meals depending what suits you best e.g. whether you like a big breakfast or not etc.

    Everyone's going to be different so best to experiment and see what's best for you. Personally it depends on what my exercise plans are but generally I spread my calories across a decent breakfast, small lunch, big dinner, and a snack or too.

    Hard time with reaching my calorie goal daily

    Eat under it- we have discussed this as as long as you eat less than that and more than 1480 calories a day (your BMR) you will lose weight. If you eat over it, you will gain.
  • janeames1
    janeames1 Posts: 4
    What I have found is that planning is Key. But plan when you have eaten and can handle looking at food. I make sure that I have plenty of easy foods to eat when I am very hungry, ie grapes, plums, banana, foods that are fewer calories and hardly no sodium. Also cook your own protein, ie chicken, (not anything processed). and have it ready for those items when you just have to eat. Hope this works for you - I am on 1,500 calorie intake, so I know your pain!!!
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    Open up your diary. People will be able to give better suggestions with more information.
  • MonaLisaLianne
    MonaLisaLianne Posts: 398 Member
    Not sure if you are saying the goal is hard to reach or too easy to go over! If its more the latter then providing you log as you go through the day, you can of course stop once you reach it! But to avoid getting too hungry try planning the day ahead. Split your calories across a number of meals depending what suits you best e.g. whether you like a big breakfast or not etc.

    Everyone's going to be different so best to experiment and see what's best for you. Personally it depends on what my exercise plans are but generally I spread my calories across a decent breakfast, small lunch, big dinner, and a snack or too.

    Hard time with reaching my calorie goal daily

    Eat under it- we have discussed this as as long as you eat less than that and more than 1480 calories a day (your BMR) you will lose weight. If you eat over it, you will gain.
  • Not sure if you are saying the goal is hard to reach or too easy to go over! If its more the latter then providing you log as you go through the day, you can of course stop once you reach it! But to avoid getting too hungry try planning the day ahead. Split your calories across a number of meals depending what suits you best e.g. whether you like a big breakfast or not etc.

    Everyone's going to be different so best to experiment and see what's best for you. Personally it depends on what my exercise plans are but generally I spread my calories across a decent breakfast, small lunch, big dinner, and a snack or too.

    Hard time with reaching my calorie goal daily

    Eat under it- we have discussed this as as long as you eat less than that and more than 1480 calories a day (your BMR) you will lose weight. If you eat over it, you will gain.

    My calorie goal was incorrect it's actually 1800 a day
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    there are a few ways you can do it:
    divide the amount of calories per number of meals and eat the same amount each meal or you can choose 1 meals to have the majority of your calories and have the others be smaller.

    also with 1800 calories (plus your exercise calories if you are counting those) you dont need to worry about eating things labelled as low fat/low cal. eat all your egg, eat full fat yogurt, etc
  • there are a few ways you can do it:
    divide the amount of calories per number of meals and eat the same amount each meal or you can choose 1 meals to have the majority of your calories and have the others be smaller.

    thanks I'll try that

    also with 1800 calories (plus your exercise calories if you are counting those) you dont need to worry about eating things labelled as low fat/low cal. eat all your egg, eat full fat yogurt, etc
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    I am very new to this if my calorie goal is 2130 how do I go about reaching this goal without over eating please feel free to add me and view my dairy.

    You've posted several similar threads begging for assistance and input, but you don't seem to be actually listening to anything anyone has to say.

    Weigh and measure your food. Track your exercises. Pay attention to what your diary tells you. Calm down.

    You get an allotment of calories a day - say 1300. You workout and burn 200. Your net is 1100. You can eat your calories back from exercise if you want to, or not (I try to eat as much back as I need to to hit 1200, which is a personal goal). It's up to you.
  • faith2liveagain
    faith2liveagain Posts: 3 Member
    watch for low calorie healthy foods. Turnip greens, boiled okra, cooked cabbage, baby bell cheese, avoid the carbs like the plaque. I do 1200 caloried a day at least 60 of protein and no more than 146 of carbs.Send me a friedn request. faith2liveagain