Here I go again...could use some help this time

I first started with MFP the beginning of December 2013. I logged for 90 days straight, lost 15 lbs and then threw in the towel. My problem is that when I try to do this calorie counting method I become too obsessed with losing weight and end up eating way to little...leaving me tired and cranky and wanting give up (to the point of deleting my original MFP account). I thought I could try the "intuitive eating" route, but over the last 3 months of that method I've gained back my 15 lbs. I'm so frustrated! There's got to be a balance here.

So, here I am back to the drawing board. I am a fiercely independent person who doesn't ask for help very often. But I am to the point where I could use someone to keep me on track. If you would be willing to help keep me in line feel free to send me a friend request.

Thank you!


  • Don't look back, move forward. We have all done that. This time, I am fortunate enough to have an ipad, so it's alot easier to write my food and excersize in. Just KEEP looking forward, not to past mistakes.
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    I am no expert but I do log in every day. I read the forums and learn things every day. I would be happy to cheer you on for your 15 pounds. My journey is starting at losing 40 to start.

    Cindy...add me
  • gmhenry2014
    gmhenry2014 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi. Feel free to add me. I'd been logging for just over two weeks. I lost 70 lb two years ago & weight has been up & down since then. Well done for persevering! Be proud of the progress you make. Thinking of my long term health is a great motivator for me.
  • Hi you could add me, I will help you to stay on track. I also need to lose weight about 40 as a matter of fact. Just keep your goal in front of you and don't look back.:smile:
  • Iron_Rose
    Iron_Rose Posts: 228 Member
    Oh I hate calorie counting. I just HATE it. I feel like I think about food more often now then when I didn't care about my weight! It's very hard, but the key is small steps. Baby steps. You won't stick with something if you try to change everything at once.

    I started out with reducing my sugar intake, the first month. Then drinking more water the next., then I cut my calories down to 1800. Soon with all the tiny changes to my diet I had lost 30 pounds just on eating alone.

    Then I thought... "Wonder if I start working out what will happen?" I joined a gym... just going once a week at first.. then twice... then every other day. I lost another 35 pounds as the months went by.

    I'm down almost 75 pounds so far. It's taken me over a year. (Fell off track for a few months) I still have a long way to go, but the way i stay with it, is only changing little things, so I don't shock my body, and make myself grumpy. i am more inclined to stick with it.

    I found that having friends and motivation help. Which is why a fellow MFP friend and I decided to make a group for people to get together and chat, and keep pushing. I would love if you all came and joined our small little family over at