Is beer good to bulk up/weight gain?



  • mayfrayy
    mayfrayy Posts: 198 Member
    pseudoscience everywhere
  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,961 Member
    It is good for bulking up your mono-ab if you're not careful.

    HAHAHA awesome. This is just funny. I have no comment on the OP though.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member

    "Enough of the ranting - Let's take stock, now: Alcohol impairs protein synthesis, specifically in the fast-twitch "easy-growing" type II fibers. Alcohol nullifies the anabolic and anti-catabolic effects of insulin and IGF-1 on skeletal muscle. Alcohol increases myostatin and puts a break on muscle growth. Alcohol intoxicates the testes, reduces testosterone production in men and messes with the estrogen to androgen ratio in men and women. And, last but not least, alcohol impairs post-workout glycogen re-synthesis (Burke. 2003) and augments the loss of force associated strenuous eccentric exercise (Barnes. 2010a,b).

    You can hardly need more reasons to be convinced that this true of false article is dealing with a "false" hypothesis. Alcohol will hamper skeletal muscle hypertrophy, it will decrease your testosterone levels and it will impair your strength and recovery. So, do you really want more good reasons to stay away from booze in general and "above-threshold" doses of 1.5g/kg, in particular?"


    I thought this comment was very good.
    While I think its fair to say that binge drinking is bad, its more difficult to assess moderate/mild consumption. Most of the problems with binge drinking seem to be related to the build up of alcohol intermediaries, which is less of a problem if you are only drinking a glass of wine. And while I agree that the resveratrol quantity is laughable, I think the real benefits are actually just from the ethanol. Its an anti-coagulant, de-stresses, and seems connected with social interaction, all of which are good. And it may have a mild hormetic effect.

    As with most things, the poison is in the dose. And most people claiming they drink for the health effects really just use it as an excuse

    So Adel vs Alan Aragon. Who wins? :laugh:

    I think things like this depend on how committed you are and if you are wanting to achieve the absolute best physique possible e.g. competitive athlete then you may be more inclined to check all of this out. If you are not, then I'd be thinking that the difference would be SFA anyway.

    Anecdotal: I know plenty of jacked guys who drink plenty. Not regularly but when they hit it, they hit it hard.