Strength and Spin Class

Hey my fellow MFPers. Just wanted to get your input. Currently I do 3-4 spin classes a week and 4 strength sessions (usually a Jillian Michaels weight video). I had two questions regarding this.

I work at Jimmy John's and currently my schedule makes it hard to get to spin 4 days a week so I do 3 days and one day of a different cardio (ie running, elliptical, etc). Starting in two weeks my schedule may change so I can go to spin 4 days a week, but is that bad. To do all the same cardio?

The other is in regard to the strength. Before I started working 3 jobs, I was easily able to do the spin class and strength videos in same day so I worked out 4 days a week and had 3 days rest. As I am in recovery from exercise addiction...those rest days KILLED me with anxiety. Anyway, with balancing 3 jobs it's been hard to fit them in on the same day, so I have had to spread them out and I am starting to worry as the number of days I can do both is less and less. Is it okay to not do cardio and strength on same day and to have less days rest. Here is an example of this dilemma this week:

Mon: Work shift till 3, then other job till 4, leave for spin class at 6. I could try and do a strength workout between 3 and 4 at the house of the people I nanny for (I just wait around to see if 13-year old needs me) OR I could move it to Thurs

Tues: Spin and strength workout

Wed: Work another early AM till 3 pm shift, leave for spin by 4:45 pm so no strength

Thurs: Potentially strength if don't do on Mon, childcare job at night

Fri: spin and Strength

Sat: strength before Work (makes up for missing strength Wed), shift till 3 pm, nannying two young kids 4-10pm

Sun: Rest

So would it be okay to move my strength to Thurs one to help with anxiety around fitting in workout and around a rest day. Or is it better to pair cardio and strength as much as I am able?

Sorry guys I'm just trying to teach myself what healthy exercise is. Thanks


  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
  • vorgas
    vorgas Posts: 741 Member
    I used to alternate strength and cardio days, usually doing some sort of low intensity aerobics on strength days as well. It was very tough. I didn't really see the strength results I wanted, and I didn't really see the cardio results I wanted.

    But, the best workout plan in the world is one you will stick to and do. So have at it, see what happens. Adjust as necessary.

    Is it bad to always do the same cardio? It's bad to always do the same thing at the same level of intensity if improvement is your goal. But it's not as bad as lounging on the couch for a week straight. Just remember that muscles heal when they rest.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i'm having trouble reading your post. you seem to be all over the place.

    first and foremost rest days are good. having trouble really resting on them? fine, go for a walk, stretch, do some foam rolling, or a yoga dvd.

    what jillian micheals strength dvd are you doing? if its 30 day shred or no more trouble zones, it's probably more cardio than strength training.

    if you want to work out twice a day, go for it. if you want to space it out, that's cool too. but you need some rest days. this is all about balance. and for someone who is recovering from exercise addiction, like you say, you're not doing a good job of things.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    Thank you both for your responses. I am just trying to learn the right number of rest days and right combo of strength and cardio, but just for future reference to's not okay to tell someone who is recovering that they are doing a horrible job. You don't know how far I have come and how much asking others advice and announcing my addiction took for me. Don't judge my journey till you walked in my shoes.