I'm lost & Don't know where to find new motivation

I'm wanting to get back into my routine of walking & cardio workout. All of a sudden I feel like I've hit a brick wall. I don't know if I should go through it or over it or around it? My body is telling me that I need to get back into the groove again, yet my mind is telling me I should just relax and let things happen. I want to get my body and my mind back on the same track. I miss being with my workout partner that helps to guide me when I feel like I'm getting ready to go off course. Can anyone give me some suggestions???


  • PoshTaush
    PoshTaush Posts: 1,247
    You are welcome to join our 30 pounds by Christmas group. Although 30 pounds is the challenge, MANY people have joined with DIFFERENT goals. I even post a daily challenge that includes exercise challenges?

    You are definitely welcome to join even if you don't have the same goals.

    If not, I totally understand and hope the best for you! Maybe try a new and exciting exercise?? Take dancing class?? Something to change it up and be fun?

  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    just remove it, one brick at a time.
  • Bonnie555
    I hear you and I go to my friend posts and see that they are working thier butt off and I find just by reading thier posts it makes me want to be a part of this great journey.

    I would take PoshTaush up on her offer and join some of these groups - it gives you some other reason to do the workouts other than just to loose wait, these can actually be fun. I am part of the postcard challenge and have not won yet, but I keep hoping I will be the one getting the post card from some far off place (nothing to do with weight loss, just a connection with someone on the same journey.

    good luck and just writing about it and being here - I know you can do it:)

  • Bonnie555
    oops, weight:blushing:
  • Dafrog
    Dafrog Posts: 353
    i am guessing you have lost your motivation to get up and go to the gym or do whatever it is you do for exercise. many days i tell myself i dont want to go and sometimes even make up a good reason not to go. although 90% of the time after i get to gym i am glad i did after about 15 mins or so. i am sure your workout partner misses you to. try to make yourself go even if u dont want too.
  • trisha329
    trisha329 Posts: 266 Member
    Dee -- I say plow through that brick wall, girl!

    You've lost seven pounds already -- that's fantastic and something you should be really proud of! I Keep remembering why you wanted to lose weight in the first place. That's where your true motivation comes from. Nothing happens if you just sit back and relax -- you've got to go out and grab it!
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I'm of the same mind. Ram that wall Head ON and shatter it into a pile of dust! I lost my motivation a week or so ago, but thanks to my new friends here and that includes trisha329 for her helpful words, I stuck to it and got back into it. Not saying I'm anywhere near perfect....:bigsmile: but I am determined to get to my goal. Just remember.....You are worth it and I'll be around and about if you need help. We are all here for you!
  • twnzmom
    twnzmom Posts: 182 Member
    When I don't feel like doing something, I just make myself do it, within a few minutes of starting I am so glad I did. It is like a burst of energy. I also sleep so much better when I exercise. These are the days we have just put one foot before the other and don't look back keep moving forward you have come to far to just sit.... now get up and go girl you'll be glad you did.
  • Debtappe
    Debtappe Posts: 164 Member
    I think sometimes you have to reach down deep inside yourself and find the power to move forward. If you have been overtraining you may need to take a day off from time to time.
  • turbojanem
    a couple things: KNOW your why. know why you want to lose weight. what is your motivator?

    read something positive. find a sports enthusiast (coach/player/athlete of some kind) that has written a book and read it. read positive writings. (i LOVE following Chalene Johnson on Twitter and FB....short reads that keep me going throughout the day.)

    dig deep down inside. motivation does not typically come easy. you have to search for it. sometimes it doesn't come for quite some time. if you want to be healthy, then just do it. your reward after eating healthy, moderate movement, 8 hours of rest each night, and reading positive readings will be the scales moving.

    cheering you on!
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,024 Member
    I find when I dont want to get up and work out if I tell myself to just do it for 10 mins I usually end up doing more. But even if I only do it for 10 mins at least I did something. Also sometimes I make deals with myself like if I stick to my plan all week I will buy myself some new earrings or what ever else I have been wanting.Good luck I hope this helps
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    I clicked on this thread because kind of feeling the same however after reading these posts I think I figured out my problem and maybe yours- routine. I have been out of my routine for the past couple of weeks due to kids on school break, hubbie on vacation, etc and once out of routine was not exercising on my regular schedule and also eating habits out of wack. Luckily, will be back on track Monday. You had mentioned your routine was with a friend and needed to get back to a routine. Find a new routine and stick to it and make it part of your regular activity like eating, working. Anyway, that what helps me. Good luck!!