Does Anyone Else Weigh themselves Every Morning??

Options I dont really know if this is good or not. But every morning before i do ANYTHING...i weight myself...Ive heard all the diff stories about what to do and what not to do? I think when I weight every morning it keeps me on track. What do you guys do? What do you think? Do you weight every day, once a week, once a month? I think i would literally have to have my scale hidden if I did not want to weight every


  • asallen7
    asallen7 Posts: 301
    I think it depends on the individual. At one point, it would be dangerous for me to weigh everyday because any upward movement indicated to me that I was failing and I interpreted that failure as a reason to stop working out and eat junky food. So I went through a period of staying off the scale because I had an unhealthy relationship with it. I determined my worth by the number on the scale and that isn't good.

    Now I weigh myself just about everyday. If the number is up, it means one of a few things--water retention, undigested food, or that I need to get my butt in gear. I don't go thinking i should give up, but I use the number to either increase my water intake, workout intensity (or frequency), or to let me know I'm on the right track.

    So I guess what I'm saying is that you have to decide how often you'll weigh as it applies to you and your relationship with the scale.
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    most diet places suggest once a week;however, i also weigh myself everyday!!! I PERSONALLY think that this is ok, if you can handle a gain when you do nothing wrong the day before and a loss when you messed up! lol i think it is a great way of seeing where you are and if it keeps you on track...i say, go for it!!
  • Zita_Jenn
    Zita_Jenn Posts: 252 Member
    I weigh myself every day... I like to see what weight I am each day. It doesn't bother me if I see a gain. I just shrug it off now and say I will do better today. I also weigh myself at night to see how much I have gain through the day. It isn't a bad thing to weigh yourself every morning, you just have to keep in mind that your weight will flutuate (sp) .
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I weigh every morning after I go to the bathroom. Some days I weigh several times. However, I only count my lowest weight for the week. Just keep eating right, exercising, and you'll get to where you want to be, no matter when you weigh.
  • Justpeachy78
    Aww, man. I struggle with this! I try not to weigh everyday, I consider Sunday mornings my official weigh in day. BUT...i do step on the scale a couple of times a week just to see where am at and i have to remind myself that its just a #

    I also measure once a month just in-case the scale is being a PITA:tongue:
  • HazelDiva1913
    HazelDiva1913 Posts: 194 Member
    Ok cool just making sure im not the only one. Yea the gains dont bother me. In fact when i gain i typically know before I step on my scale...thanks for the comments
  • clheide
    clheide Posts: 112 Member
    unfortunately, i do weigh myself every day...i'd like to be able to stop that but i'm not sure that i can. i justify it in my head because if i gain 4 or 5 pounds in a day (and that really does happen to me), i know that it's because i'm retaining water...whereas if i weigh myself once a week and it just so happens that it's on a crappy day like that, i might be likely to chalk the whole week up as a failure and be really upset about it.
  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    I do the log in weight once a week. But I do weigh myself when I get up daily. I does help to keep me on track. Just remember not to freak out at a gain. I did that once. Turned out to be TOM gain. I actually did put the scales up once......after my husband stopped me from tossing it into the pond where we used to live! LOL
  • MaryBeth1989
    I use to but I try not to now, I think it's best to keep me from getting discouraged not to.
    Do make sure you use the bathroom before you weigh!
  • twinsfan1976
    I weigh myself every morning too. I find it helps me stay focused no matter what the actual result is. I am partially OCD though, so it could be a function of that.
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    Just so you feel much better about yourself---drum roll, please---:
    I would visit the Potty, and then weigh myself on the primary scale. If my weight had gone up, I would weigh myself on the secondary scale (it was the expensive one that weighed me about a lb less than the cheap scale). This kept me on track on the diet--I had NOT gained weight! ;) I also would figure out what caused the slight gain: not enough water the day before?--drink more; slight intestinal slowness?--eat more fiber today; too much relaxation the previous day?--increase my walking and general level of movement. I needed the daily "scale" fix, as do many of us.
    I also measured myself every few days to ensure the inches were slowly decreasing (waist, hips).
    This worked for me. You do what works best for you. :drinker: (water, and more water).
    Here's my BEFORE pic: Well rats--it didn't post!
    It showed me smiling, standing at the breakfast bar, at 179 lbs (that is 37 lbs ago.)
  • TabiHerbalifeCoach
    TabiHerbalifeCoach Posts: 691 Member
    I weight myself twice a day. i think as long as you know that numbers fluctuate a little and don't freak out about a slight gain then your fine if it stars to really discourage you and knock you off your game then change it.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    every day, unless I have given the scale to my 17 year old son to hide from me ( I do that every now and then). :)
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    I used to weigh myself EVERY day and lost weight consistantly (1 lb a week) for over a year. I kept it off for a couple of years and then stopped weight myself every day and over the span of 2 more years, gained back 20 pounds. I am struggling to get it off again and am now afraid to weigh myself to daily for fear of disappointment.

    I personally think for some, it helps them keep on track knowing they have to get on the scale and deal with the consequences of whatever they've done every day.
  • melizerd
    melizerd Posts: 870 Member
    I step a couple times a week but I ONLY record weight on my official weigh in day (Wednesday).
  • shellee9tj
    shellee9tj Posts: 221 Member
    I also weigh every morning, after I visit the bathroom of course :wink: It keeps me on track I don't see it as a problem!!
  • ahkunkel
    I do weigh myself every morning and I love it. If I increased, it motivates me to work extra hard that day. If I decreased, it makes me happy that I lost weight and it motivates me to keep doing what I'm doing. Either way, its a win-win!
  • Memah
    Memah Posts: 129
    Oh, I've been told over and over not to weigh every day, that I can't gain or lose a pound in a day, that it's too much of a worry, blah blah blah.

    But for me, it works because I can get a ballpark idea of where I am and how I'm doing. If it had a negative effect I wouldn't do it. I am interested in knowing what the scale says because then I can relate it the day before. Did I have too much sodium? Did I drink enough water? Was my sugar consumption high? Did I eat enough veggies?

    Since it doesn't play any dastardly tricks on me, I look every morning, after using the bathroom, before eating or drinking anything, and without anything on.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    I'm a daily weigher, too.....I feel like it keeps me from binging the night before. Like, "Hey! I've got to weigh in in the morning! Do I want to see a bigger number!?"
    I also think that everyone should do what they feel best about. So many people tell me I'm wrong to weigh daily....but, it seems to work for me.
  • Birdnicaj
    unfortunately, i do weigh myself every day...i'd like to be able to stop that but i'm not sure that i can. i justify it in my head because if i gain 4 or 5 pounds in a day (and that really does happen to me), i know that it's because i'm retaining water...whereas if i weigh myself once a week and it just so happens that it's on a crappy day like that, i might be likely to chalk the whole week up as a failure and be really upset about it.

    SO TRUE! I also learned a lot by weighing in every day such as that every calorie is not the same as the next one. Also, its personal. I now know which foods I have a harder time digesting and which ones "stick" to me. Weighing in daily keeps me informed and lets me know that I'm on the right track. Weight loss for me is "two forward one back" and thanks to my frequent visits to he scale I don't freak out when it points in the wrong direction!