Golf, Oh lord does it hurt

soze Posts: 604 Member
Played 18 holes of golf, walking. Up and down the ravines, behind that tree, the other tree, in the creek, behind the bush, under the tree. It was rough or should I say I was in the rough all day. I haven't played golf in 3 years. We got to that the last hole and I say ugh, it was a par 5, 550 yds. I'm thinking will I make it. My buddy looks at me and said, you are moving slow. I couldn't move any faster. Just for the record I managed a par on that monster. Then we went to a buffet, he paid. Oh man I over ate.

I didn't want to record it, but I did. It came to nearly 3000 calories. However 5 hours of golf came to 3000 calories. Wow!! I felt like a twisted wreck by the time I got home. I proceeded to crash for the next 4 hours.

It was a good day after all.


  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Wow! 3k cal golfin'. Who knew? Well done... I say T 'em up more often and your goals will be here before you know it. Good job finding the positive in your day, even if you are sore. :smile:
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    Wow! 3k cal golfin'. Who knew? Well done... I say T 'em up more often and your goals will be here before you know it. Good job finding the positive in your day, even if you are sore. :smile:

    Yeah, who'd of thunk it!

    I've been hiking and exercising since January and to be this sore is amazing, beyond my comprehension. That last hole was against the wind too. I teed the ball up low and then hit the ground behind the ball but the ball managed to go out over 200 yds. grabbed a 3 iron and managed to get it about another 200 plus yards. Then grabbed a 6 iron because the wind was blowing so hard, hoisted the ball way into the the air and the ball hits right center of a very tricky green. It was beautiful!

    For the record, I can feel every single one of those calories. Also, for the first time my 5 week indicator had me under 300 lbs. Yippeeeeee!
  • jsheph1
    jsheph1 Posts: 79 Member
    Golf, walking, carrying the bag, is my main form of exercise since it is the only one I like. Tommorrow will be my fourth day in a row. I am addicted. Was a little tired today after 18 because I had a weightlifting session beforehand. I don't play for that long, the most I've burned is about 1300 calories.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    Oh man, I'm excited! Not excited that you are sore, of course. But excited that golfing (and carrying clubs) burns that many calories because I plan to take golf lessons next summer! I used to love to go to the driving range with my dad. Time for me to learn!

    Hope you rest well tonight and feel like your old self tomorrow! :)
  • jchapman1957
    jchapman1957 Posts: 80 Member
    I've played twice this month. First time was early October after hitting 50+ lbs lost. First swing on the first tee I almost fell over from losing my balance. Someone changed my center of gravity. Took several holes to adjust and the second time I played was allot better. By the way, you burn 822 calories when playing and using a cart for 18 holes.
  • soze
    soze Posts: 604 Member
    I've played twice this month. First time was early October after hitting 50+ lbs lost. First swing on the first tee I almost fell over from losing my balance. Someone changed my center of gravity. Took several holes to adjust and the second time I played was allot better. By the way, you burn 822 calories when playing and using a cart for 18 holes.

    A riding cart? I walked and pulled a cart. Played for at least 5 hours. Left home at 10:30, arrived at the golf course at 11:30 played until 4:30 or later, went to the gym to pick up my lost mp3 player, then hit the buffet.
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Wow! 3k cal golfin'. Who knew? Well done... I say T 'em up more often and your goals will be here before you know it. Good job finding the positive in your day, even if you are sore. :smile:

    Yeah, who'd of thunk it!

    I've been hiking and exercising since January and to be this sore is amazing, beyond my comprehension. That last hole was against the wind too. I teed the ball up low and then hit the ground behind the ball but the ball managed to go out over 200 yds. grabbed a 3 iron and managed to get it about another 200 plus yards. Then grabbed a 6 iron because the wind was blowing so hard, hoisted the ball way into the the air and the ball hits right center of a very tricky green. It was beautiful!

    For the record, I can feel every single one of those calories. Also, for the first time my 5 week indicator had me under 300 lbs. Yippeeeee

    Rock on my friend!
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    Kudos on the walking! I have a hard time walking, trying to hold my beer, and swing a golf club! Besides, its more fun driving around like a fool (especially after a few beers!) I've walked a couple times, and I always pack my clubs! I make sure I find a course on the praries with no hills if I'm walking it! lol