Do you get the kids moving?

My reason for losing weight is my family, two years ago I got some test results that scared me and I thought I wouldn't live to see my son grow up. I don't want to take so much time away from the family (during workouts) in order to be there for them later in life. Plus, why not start teaching him good habits now.

Yesterday I got up to go to Zumba, PJ (my 5 year old) wanted to go to the gym with me. The nursery isn't open on the weekends so I wasn't able to take him. I told him we could go walking or running later, so he was happy with that.
Around 6ish we finally headed out the door and off to the hospital track we went. Just me and him. We had a blast. We ran/walked 2.47 miles and did some of the work out stations, maybe not how they were intended to be used but he had fun. My favorite is when we sit down and he was telling me how to do the stretches; "Mommy, lay down like this, then put your foot up to the sky, now the other one. Good Job Mommy your feet reached the sky."
He wanted to keep going but we were out of water and it was getting dark. I love running with him.


  • ractayjon
    ractayjon Posts: 365
    YES! My kids are very ative but when they are active with us (my husband and I ) it is the most rewarding. all of my kids play organzied soccer, my son plays baseball, the older three play basketball and my son wrestles. But, the family walks, hikes, bike rides, swimming are all my favorite time. My 5 year old does yoga with me everyday after kindergaren and pulls my kettleball out for me if it has been in the cupboard to long :-), Ilove pushing them on the swings (great arm workout) and while I run they scooter or skateboard with me.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I have very active kids...but one thing we do all summer and as often as possible with our busy school year is take a walk after dinner. We spend time together, start our digestion, burn a few calories, and walk off the sillies before bed. Also, the kids go with us when we head to one of our favorite running trails and while hubby and I take turns running the other parent stays back and plays frisbee or flies a kite etc with the kiddos. My 3 yo old always wants to run with me so whenever I get back from a run we do a lap around the block etc. We also do judo as a family on the weekend so during the week we do whatever practice was assigned to us by our sensei as a family as well.

    We also walk to school. It is so important to me that my kids always view their bodies as suitable transportation. Where we live it is completely possible to function for a day or two without a car. They can walk to most important places if need be. I never want them to be the kind of kid who feels limited by whether or not they have a ride home from long as they have feet they can get home...etc
  • FelipaJ
    FelipaJ Posts: 71

    We also walk to school. It is so important to me that my kids always view their bodies as suitable transportation. Where we live it is completely possible to function for a day or two without a car. They can walk to most important places if need be. I never want them to be the kind of kid who feels limited by whether or not they have a ride home from long as they have feet they can get home...etc

    That is awesome. Wish I could say the same. I live in a town with hardly any sidewalks and where the population more then triples depending on the time of year (and the age demographic jumps as well). So it's a little scary out there, I won't even ride my bike out on the some days I don't even feel safe in my car :laugh: