What do you do on a really bad day?

I woke up with a horrible headache this morning- I took some Excedrine and the headache is now down to a dull throb. But I'm in a bad mood; a really, really bad mood. There is no reason for it that I can see. It is one of those days where I want to eat everything in sight and forget the consequences. I can not let this happen. If I go crazy today I will bitterly regret it tomorrow. Also, it is Sunday and the stress of going to church is making me want to eat everything in sight too. (My husband is the minister.) So what do I do? My thoughts are to: 1) structure the day so that I'm too busy to eat; 2) Act happy and maybe I will begin to feel happy despite how I feel right now 3) drink lots of water 4) make sure I ride my stationary cycle and get my exercise. 4) plan out my week so I'm sure to stay on track. 5) wait until 4 p.m. to buy the Halloween candy and give away all of it - even if it means dumping huge handfuls in the high school students bags later in the evening. Any other ideas?

What do you all do when you have a really bad day?


  • StacLegg
    StacLegg Posts: 346 Member
    1.) Pray
    2.) I www.youtube.com some awesome music from; Mercy Me - Casting Crowns...... I love started the day praising God - I have soooo much to be thankful for!
    3.) Lots and lots of water!!
    4.) Fresh air is the cure for my bad mood every single time!! Even if its a short walk..... it is a natural attitude adjustment for me!!! =)
    5.) and once I get to church I am always so glad I am there.....

    I told my husband once that Church is kinda like sex - sometimes its really hard to get there but once you are there, you're always so glad!! lol He thinks I'm crazy! :huh:

    I hope today turns around for you and you have a fabulous day!! You deserve it!!!
    You are definately on the right track if you are starting your day with MFP!! So glad you are here....
    now I better get in the shower and get to church too!!! =)
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    i hate these kinda days!

    i make sure that i go for a nice long walk somewhere - just to get some fresh air more than the excersise as i often find that fresh air makes me feel better and puts everything back in perspective again for me.
    i find that trying to stay busy on bad days just doesnt help me - i get all frustrated about things not going right and that just makes me a nightmare to deal with!
    if you do nibble a bit too much on the candy just remember that tomorrow is a whole new day and you can improve on today - everyone has a bad day once in a while!

    hope your day gets better!
  • Natural
    Natural Posts: 461 Member
    pray and drink lots of water and stay busy. hope you feel better.
    ROBYNBADOR Posts: 2 Member
    My advice to you is.... eat. Not everything in sight, but something small that will satisfy you...even though it won't be as good as "eating everything in sight", it should help your mood. Also-surround yourself by friends and family who will keep you occupied. It sounds like church will do that for you. And, dont forget that every day is not like today. You'll be ok! :smile:
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    I also say eat, but eat healthy. Fill up on a couple of eggs and bacon this morning. Get in a long walk...being outside in nature clears the head and emotions. Drink lots of water. And worst case scenario, eat some junk and forgive yourself tomorrow. You sound like you know what you need to do and you know the consequences if you don't. We all have bad days and it is going to happen. Hang in there and know you are not alone. Pulling for you today!!!!