Kidney Stones-Men Only

atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
I usually don't post in threads but thought I would this time so I can get feedback....primarily from men. If any women have suffered, please feel free to chime in. I just want to better understand what my husband is going through right now.

My husband is currently trying to pass a kidney stone. While he's passed some in the past, the pain he's in is nothing like he's experienced. He's a tough cookie--he has a high tolerance to pain. But this pain is bringing him to tears (started over the weekend). He's feeling a little better today but still feels uncomfortable. He tries to explain how he feels "down there" but I can't relate.

Little history..he's a big Mt Dew drinker, energy drinks, no alcohol, drinks water on occasion, and drinks whole milk. In fact, for the past 3 weeks, he's been drinking semi raw cows milk (whole milk).

For those that have suffered from kidney stones, what "alternative" approaches have you taken to either help pass it, or prevent? He doesn't take any OTC or prescription and rarely sees a doctor. He is all about doing things the old fashioned way.



  • Well I'm a women but I don't think that really matters. I've had them while pregnant and couldn't take pain meds to pass them. The pain isn't like a pain I have ever felt before! It's the worst and most awful pain I have ever felt in my life. I know people that have passed out from the pain.

    If he keeps getting them he should strain his pee till he passes it and have it tested and find out what it is made up of. Chances are his body isn't getting enough of something and too much of something else. Also he really should see a doctor anytime he has one to make sure it's not to big to pass. The last thing he wants to do is to ruin his plumbing!
  • sllm1
    sllm1 Posts: 2,130 Member
    I've passed a few, including one 9mm stone. Oh, my.

    My doctor told me to drink lots and lots and lots of water (flush it out, so to speak). And he recommended lemonade, but I can't remember what the reason was.

    There are different types of stones, but caffeine can be one culprit. It flushes the kidneys out too fast and what's left behind can form stones.
  • And to pass it you just have to drink a ton of water or be hooked up to an IV I was so sick to my stomach my first time I couldn't hold water down so I had to have an IV to flush my system. He needs to drink the Max amount of water you can drink in a day. Cranberry juice is good too to help fit possible UTI to follow!
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    My husband recently passed one, and it was awful to see him in so much pain. I strongly encourage you to push him to go to a doctor. I know he's a grown man, but maybe he doesn't realize that sometimes it takes medical assistance to get them out. My brother-in-law couldn't pass his on his own. Also, if this is something that keeps happening, it would benefit him to have a lab study the stone when he passes it to see why they keep forming.

    If he's adamant that he won't go see a doctor, then just lots and lots and lots of water. Cranberry juice is also good for the kidneys. He needs to try not to stay in bed too much. Walk as much as possible.
  • atamrowski
    atamrowski Posts: 417 Member
    Thank you!!!

    He just texted me he passed it. But he couldn't catch it because he had to pee in the downstairs tub because he couldn't make it to the toilet..LOL. He said the pressure is now gone but still feels achy. He's going to continue to drink copious amounts of water.
  • lukewind
    lukewind Posts: 177 Member
    Tell him unless he wants to go through that again he needs to give up 90% of the junk he drinks. Water is your best bet from here on in, and I know its not easy. I was so addicted to soda as well. But its been nearly two years since I had one and I can honestly say I don't crave them anymore. I have snapple tea every now and then, but other then that water is all I ever drink.
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