Lost my motivation...

jlshea Posts: 494 Member
I need a fire lit under my butt. I am still tracking (just had my 125 day streak) but have teetered off on my workouts and what I'm eating. I've only lost and kept off about 7 lbs in the last 125 days....I do want to see results I just don't know where or why I derailed.

Anyone looking for friends feel free to add me.

I did find a good protein shake I've been having the last 3 days and it helps keep me full. I'm not huge on meal replacements per say but I am liking it because I can plan for it and I know the calories/fat/etc. I feel like its helping to deter me from grabbing something quick like a bowl of cereal or grazing at lunch.

The work out goal this week is to hit my 3 mile brisk walks at least 3-4 days this week.